A Little of This & That

Just thought I'd start the week by popping in to say hello and to thank you for your kind and supportive comments on my last post about my fabric painted piece.
If you've been following me for a while, you will know that I can't seem to stick to one art medium for very long without wanting to play in another. :-)

Last night I picked up a piece of left over collage paper and started sketching.

Not sure where I'm going with this yet, but had fun using my watercolor pencils over the graphite.

With the coolness in the air that we are finally experiencing I am starting to get into the crochet and fiber mood.  

I'm still working on my little hemp crocheted flowers so I don't forget how to make them.

I'm trying out different yarns and loved the colors in this yarn.
(note to self...next learn how to crochet a throw with these colors!) 

For now, the little flowers are keeping me busy and can work as embellishments for little gifts.

Hope your week is off to a great start!

(for those of you that use Facebook, I've created a Patina Moon page and I would be thrilled if you wanted to drop by there too and say hello!  Patina Moon Facebook Page)



Anonymous said…
They're perfect as gifts!
Judy S. said…
Nice sketch! Your little flowers are very cute, and you're right, they make great embellishments. A throw has always seemed like a huge project to me; even a baby blanket seems big!
Judy S. said…
Nice sketch! Your little flowers are very cute, and you're right, they make great embellishments. A throw has always seemed like a huge project to me; even a baby blanket seems big!
Jane said…
i love the little effortless loops of the thread on your crochet flowers. i'm thinking about learning how to crochet. hope i can make nice flowers like yours. have a happy week. Jane x
TexWisGirl said…
the flower on the candle is a cute touch. :)
Lisa Graham said…
Hi Becca!
Thanks for your sweet commenting on my Anniversary post yesterday. You are so sweet.

This is a lovely post you have here. Your sketch is really really good. Love the eyes.

I crochet too...and funny, cooler weather makes me break out the yarn as well. I just picked out a pattern three days ago and got some yarn at Hobby Lobby. Your little flowers are soooooo pretty. My afghan will have flowers too.

I was amazed when you said you are fairly new at art...your art looks like you have been doing it a long time and so does your blog...so well done and with so many comments...wow : )

Have a beautiful day there in Las Vegas. Until next time!
Your work is just getting better and better...you are going to need an agent pretty soon!...or at least an outlet to market..
Dianne said…
Isn't it funny that when the weather gets cooler, we tend to move into textiles! I think it may be instinctive, in order to keep warm! Love these little flowers!
Lisa Gordon said…
Becca, I think it is wonderful that you work with many different art forms, and I also think that everything you do is really quite beautiful!
Katie said…
Cute! I know what you mean about not being able to stick to one thing! Also, the fabric painting in the last post is ahhhhh-mazing!!
Pamela said…
Lovely Becca! You are super talented!!
I am now on Pinterest and am loving it. I just pin pin pin! I find it less stressful than blogging. I saw this cool rug made out of rope that looks just like these flowers you made!
Pamela xo
peggy aplSEEDS said…
your sketch is beautiful. her luminous eyes are so expressive. and the crochet flowers are wonderful!
Holly Loves Art said…
Hi Becca!
Your latest artwork is just gorgeous!! Love your photography so much too.
Take care,
Becca ~ I'm so glad I visited your blog tonight... The woman you're working on is beautiful... I love the effect of the print behind her face, and the colors you've used are perfect! I so love the delicate little flowers ~ perfect on the votive for a gift :)

Thanks for stopping by my blog as well!
Unknown said…
I am liking that face a lot.. I cant wait to see how it turns out. And I also like what you did with your crochet flowers.. Some many projects so little time...

Hugs, Linda
Torunn said…
Imagine being so creative and so artistic! You have such great abilities and makes it fantastic. Hugs.
Diane said…
You are my kind of girl--just playing around with everything--isn't it fun??
I'm looking forward to doing this--I'll have a little bit of extra time next month. (love your painted fabric BTW)
Kelly Warren said…
Beautiful sketch, Becca! As you know I can't concentrate on one thing either. More fun that way, isn't it?
Anonymous said…
Those flowers make my mouth water, time for an etsy my dear, they are soooo gorgeous. Sketching is pretty awesome too! xox Corrine
lilylovekin said…
It is always fun to see what you are up to. Enjoy your gorgeous weather, there is nothing better than the cool days following desert heat.
Jean said…
Love the sketches. Have a great week.
I enjoyed my visit to your blog. Love the sketch and the sweet flowers too. Hugs P.S. please remember to link up at Katherines Corner for tomorrows Thursday Favorite Things hop :-)
Marji said…
I'm loving how your faces are coming along. I hope that you keep going with them. And... who couldn't love those little crocheted flowers - awesome.
brigitte said…
your flowers are great! your face amazing. i recently found your blog, it is wonderful. do you take classes online or??
i always wonder how people get started on their creative journey. i would love to learn to draw and paint.
I love your sketch! WOW! You are so talented...at so many things! ♥
Unknown said…
I love her eyes, so expressive and beautiful. This is a great piece of art. I love those crocheted flowers, are they hard to make? I want to learn.

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