Vintage Bling

This afternoon, I was going through some things, and came across a box of goodies my mom had put together for me a long time ago.  Inside that box are some sewing notions like old rick-rack, embroidery thread, needles, pins, and other goodies.  I also noticed a little sandwich baggie with a twist tie and inside were these glass buttons.

The light in my craft room is so lovely in the afternoon, and made these little buttons just sparkle! 

I couldn't wait to grab my camera and show you!

I wish I knew where these buttons came from.  Maybe my mom had a special coat, or sweater that they came off of, or maybe she even bought them for a sewing project that she never got around to.
(We all know about buying something for a project that never happens, right?)

These buttons got me started pulling out some vintage jewelry I knew I had of my mothers. 
With a little soap and water and a toothbrush, I cleaned up each piece for their photo debut.

The light and sparkle of each piece were so much fun to capture! 
I shot this thinking I could use it as a bokeh background/texture in Photoshop. 
(feel free to use this photo to try as a texture, and I would love to see it if you use it!) 

Sometimes I look for buttons and jewelry that might not be "real vintage" but "has the look of vintage" for sewing projects. 
I made this pin keep for my sister using a rhinestone button I bought from JoAnn's. 

Have you ever seen these little "tartlet tins" in the antique stores? 

I got this idea from an issue of Somerset Life Magazine.
There is an article by Becky Shander
on how to make these cute little pin keeps. 

I'm not sure I will turn them all in to pin cushions.  They are sometimes just cute storing and displaying some of my 
Vintage Bling! 

I am SO happy it's the weekend! 
What are you up to?



I headed straight to the jewelry when I went to my favorite thrift store this afternoon! I found some really cool belt buckles that I am sending to my brother in law! He will love them! I love to find costume jewelry...none today! But I found a box covered in shells so my day was complete! ♥
lilylovekin said…
The sparkle of your post brightened my day, it has been dull and rainy here. But I've been enjoying my week-end nonetheless.
Lisa Gordon said…
These photographs are beautiful Becca.
I LOVE those buttons!!
Unknown said…
Hello my sweet friend. Great photos. I am just luv'n all the sparkle here.. And your little tins look gorgeous.. Hope you enjoyed your day!!

Hugs, Linda
Pamela said…
Great post Becca!
Love the buttons and all your mom's vintage jewellery! How special having her things!
Those tin holders are so cool.
I just love love all your photos here!
Are you having a good weekend?

I've been watching movies!
Pamela ox
Catherine said…
That is a box of goodies indeed! Oh those buttons ~ how pretty! So many cute little trinket surprises!

Hubby is out of town at a hockey tournament, sonny boy is out with friends, so I am spending the evening playing with photos, catching up on blogs and listening to music.

Yup... happy weekend Becca!
xo Catherine
Justine said…
what an amazing selection of bling you have here all beautifully photographed, they are all so lovely and sparkly - will you wear them all? people pay a fortune for all of this costume jewellry here in England.
Anonymous said…
Becca, what fun bling! I think my faves are the colorful buttons! Like rainbows!
Hugs, Diane
Rosie Grey said…
This looks really wonderful, Becca! I love all that sparkling!
This weekend is filled mostly with household stuff, but I hope to carve out a bit of time for playing with my photos, too. And blog reading :-)
Your photography is amazing, as always. I just love how you've made the jewelry so sparkly!

I didn't buy the baskets at Stein Mart. I left them there for you ;)
They were a bottom shelf. I was there on Thursday so they are probably still there!

So happy the sun is back! I spent hours working in the yard yesterday and am sore today!

Happy sunday,
What a beautiful post. I love these buttons and the little tartlet tins so adorable. I love all of Somerset's publications but haven't seen this addition around here yet.
Also always wanted to say I LOVE your Kittens. Totally loving and adorable.
Thanks for sharing your lovely photos.
Love your vintage bling, Becca...and thanks for the inspiration on how to use some of my vintage tart tins! Lovely photos, too!
LR said…
so glad you captured these beauties. sparkly for sure.
ELK said…
becca ..each pieces is a magical glimmer ..i really like the way you captured this series of "bling"
Jillayne said…
Oh what a post! Your jewels are perfect, as are the pin cushions. I know that article by Becky and I haven't found any vintage tins but I think I will use brand new ones - I could try painting them... I love the pin-keep you made for your sister. It's so pretty with that sparkly button.
Candace said…
I love vintage costume jewelry and have quite a bit of it from my grandmothers, my mom, and stuff I've bought myself. Nothing like sparkly stuff!

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