Garden Friends
Happy Friday everyone!
I'm so glad you've dropped by for a visit!
I'd like to show you my new "garden friends."
Aren't they cute? They were given to me by my dear friend, Colene from work.
She knows how much I like to spend time in my courtyard when the weather is nice.
So today, with warm temperatures reaching almost 70 degrees, we headed outside for a photo shoot.
Hum, I think she's done this before, she seems to have a bit of attitude don't you think?
So, now as you can see, the sun is starting to set, and it's getting a little chilly.
After all, it's not spring yet, but only a few more days my friends!
In the meantime, enjoy the anticipation of springtime!
Happy Weekend Becca!
xo Catherine
PS ~ no matter what the calendar says, I do not believe spring is coming to Saskatchewan until May.... or June... :(
Love the colours of these girls!
I wish it was in the 70's here we'll have to wait till June for that!
Looks like you had a great day off!
What are your plans for the weekend?
Pamela xo
Hugs, Linda
BTW - Love the new font your using look wonderful!
Kisses and happy weekend.
enjoy the sunshine :)
Sending a hug your way,
Never seen anything quite like them Becca!
We have had about ten inches of snow this week and I am so darn sick of it I can't stand it!
Thanks for sharing your little friends - they certainly brightened up my day!!
more snow today, flakes as big as my fist, but its all melted, thank goodness!