Scavenger Hunt Sunday

It's Sunday, and I decided to play along in my first photo challenge.

1. Bokeh
2. Business
3. Eco-Friendly
4. Repetition
5. Music

Here's my interpretation for this weeks challenge. 






Each week you are encouraged to take 5 new photographs.
I must admit the "Music" photograph came from my photo archive.  As soon as I saw "Music" on the list I knew I wanted to use this photo because I liked how it turned out with the guitar reflection in the piano.  I took this photo about a year ago. 

If you'd like to see more photos, or want to participate in the 
Sunday Scavenger Hunt

So, what have you been up to? 
Have you taken any new photos this weekend?



Catherine said…
Those are some fantastic photos Becca! Love the guitar reflection in the piano ~ excellent!

Happy Sunday!
xo Catherine
Justine said…
this is a fantastic collection - I was all set to do it and my posts didn't work and wouldn't go in order so I gave up, all this blogging gets too technical for me! these are great!
When not busy in the quilt I have been out in the garden trying to get some hummingbird photos before they head to warm shores.
Casey Martinez said…
love the keys ans bokeh shots! Beautiful!
Joanna said…
These are all lovely, I especially like your eco friendly shot :D
Stunning photos! Love your takes on each category.
Pamela said…
Beautiful photos but the last one if my favourite!
Pamela xo
Anonymous said…
Perfect choices to represent each word. Great job!

Ashley Sisk said…
So glad you're joining in this week and I'm now following so I can see more. My favorite has to be your bokeh shot - I'm such a sucker for sweet bokeh.
Anonymous said…
Wow. Your interpretations are terrific, particularly the eco-friendly shot.
Reading Allowed said…
I love all your shots, but the guitar reflected in the piano? So cool.
Perfect, Becca! I just love all your wonderful photos!
Unknown said…
Your pictures look great...

Hugs, Linda
Amber said…
Great captures! I love all of them, but especially the bokeh and music shots. These scavenger hunts are a lot of fun!
Great shots! My faves are your bokeh & music!
Unknown said…
these are great! I like your interpretation of repetition. My favorites are your bokeh and eco shots. So nice!

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