October Happenings


My favorite month. 

Even when I lived in the Nevada desert I loved October. 

It's when things started to cool down from the hot summers. 

Now, even more than ever,  I love this season/month! 

This year, I made an autumn wreath for our front door. 

I am REALLY excited about decorating for fall. 

Even two of our cats fit into the colors of fall. 

There's been a lot of squirrel watching lately, 

...and bird watching, 

when it's not nap time.

...and burning beeswax candles and incense 

when it's damp and rainy outside. 

Even though today was beautiful and sunny, you can just feel it in the air 

that the colder, rainy weather is just around the corner. 

I hear that November is the wettest month around these parts. 

So, until then, I shall soak up the sun and play in the dirt 

when I have the opportunity. 

This is my neighbor and friend, Stephanie.

She lives across the street and 

 always looks so cute when she works in her garden.

Isn't her hat adorable?  

I looked at it more closely, and even though it's straw like material, 

it's crocheted!  

Those flowers are triple crocheted clusters!  

 Yes...I'm STILL crocheting...

working on a gift for a friend. 

However, I did break out the embroidery thread for a change too...

I'll tell you more about that later. 

Until then, 

I hope you are enjoying October so far. 

Have you started decorating yet?  



TexWisGirl said…
oh, love the embroidery projects! so pretty! enjoy your fall!
I can just feel fall at your house...your front entry is beautiful! I love how the wreath looks on your door!
Anonymous said…
Nice wreath Becca, I bet your cute kitties are watching those squirrels, doggies do too. Seems like Washington is the purr fect fit for the whole family. xox
Anonymous said…
The hat is just so sweet, as are all of your photos in this post. So very AT HOME! Love that.
andrea creates said…
i love this time of year too~ finally starting to cool down...
great photos!!
happy sunday~
Lisa Gordon said…
I LOVE that hat, Becca!

This is a really beautiful series of images. Your kitty looks so comfortable! :-)

Happy Sunday to you!
The front door looks fabulous Becca and the embroidery is stunning. Have a blessed week. Jen xo
Catherine said…
September is my most favorite month. I like October too though in Saskatchewan, the month usually ends in snow... :(
I love the front of your house - so pretty!
I don't decorate for fall since it just doesn't last long enough to warent it.
Happy October dear Becca!
xo Catherine
Tracy said…
Oh, October...it is one of the sweetest, months, isn't it?! I love this golden, snuggled down time. Your photos sing October beautifully, Becca. LOVE that image of the candle & incense... And kitty too. ;o) Your embroidery is LOVELY--lovely on that linen! Happy Autumn Days ((HUGS))
Caterina Giglio said…
oh yes enjoying october and the warmth here in VA... looking forward to magnolia blossoms...
Lorraine said…
hello Becca, lovely photographs I could imagine just sitting in that chair smelling the autumn air
Unknown said…
If I had talent like yours I'd be even more excited to decorate!
Heartwideopen said…
Oh Becca!!! I love love love your embroidery!! You excel at that just as much as your crochet! I always feel like I've visited your home after a blog post. So, I recognize the Nag Champa, but what is the other incense you have there?
Unknown said…
Hey girly, Looks like you're all ready for the season. We bought a great big pot of Yellow mums today and some little pumpkins. Trying to make our little place look homey. Just hope those mums don't drowned to soon in the rain we have been having. It poured today. You know I am loving it.. Love your fall wreath, the front of your house looks so pretty. Hope your having an awesome week my friend.

Kate said…
Lovely! Your embroidery is gorgeous!!! Want to hear more!
Kate :}
Georgianna said…
Hi Becca!

I always know that I can come here and feel revitalized about our city and climate! You are such a great ambassador for us. :)

I have not fully embraced autumn yet. New York was summery and we are leaving soon for Chile where it is spring. So, I will have to make more of an effort.

Btw, I HIGHLY recommend that you and Russell go up to Gordon Skagit Farm for the best October experience:


They are open each day this month I think. The most amazing displays, apple orchards, pumpkin patches, vintage trucks. Just a great day out. This weekend would be good as it will be dry. I hope you can go!

Rosie Grey said…
A wonderful collection of photos, Becca! I haven't started decorating yet, but seeing your photos makes me want to start immediately! And first of all, to go and light a candle! :-)
Have a wonderful week!
Autumn in your part of the world looks gorgeous....I love autumn and how you depict it here and ohhhhh,,,,kitty kitty,,,what a sweetie and I love that streak of white down the nose...very unusual marking. Have a good week ahead.
RURAL said…
Your front entrance looks so lovely..and I see you are a Seahawks fan.

Yes November is rainy, monsoon rainy..cold, dark, but then comes December, and soon spring again.

Our photos said…
The photos are beautiful and Your embroidery is gorgeous!
Greetings, RW & SK
Judy S. said…
Awesome embroidery, Becca!

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