Hydrangea Skeleton Leaf

 Hi Everyone! 

I hope 2013 has started of well for each of you! 

The first two days of the year were 

bright and sunny here, so a lot of people were out enjoying the 

January sunshine.

I took advantage of that time to rake and work in the yard a bit, 

and look what I found! 

A Hydrangea Skeleton Leaf. 

I've only seen photographs of these and always thought they were so 

beautiful and delicate.  

So, I was thrilled to find one right outside my back door!

 They sort of remind me of the "lacy crochet" I love so much.

Speaking of crochet...yes, I am still "hooked!" 

(hardy har har) :-) 

I have some colorful snowflakes to show you soon.  

Right now, it's raining outside,  so I'm off to spend some creative time 

in my art room. 

Enjoy your day. 



Anonymous said…
oh my gosh, its beautiful! So is the cat!
Caterina Giglio said…
I can't remember ever happening on one! Happy New Year!
TexWisGirl said…
oh, your sweet kitten... :)
Unknown said…
That leaf does look like delicate crochet work. So pretty. And Lucy is adorable as well.

Crafting Queen said…
Great photos, Lucy is beautiful.
Tracy said…
It is like lace! What magic to find one for your own. :o) And treats to see Miss Lucy! Happy Days, Becca ((HUGS))
Kate said…
What a pretty lacy leaf!! Lovely photos!
Kate :}
Gillian Olson said…
That leaf skeleton is beautiful. Mostly rain here too, so when the sun shines I'm outside in the twinkle of an eye. Love your beautiful cat.
Rosie Grey said…
Happy New Year to you Becca! What a wonderful find - this looks fantastic, almost like lace!
Lisa Gordon said…
This leaf is just beautiful, Becca. If I could see the ground through all of the snow right now, I would try to find one. Really wonderful.

Love "Kitty" too. Such a sweet face.

Have a wonderful day ahead!
Judy S. said…
Hi There! It's been snowing off and on at our house today. Those skeletons are interesting; we found one last year on one of our walks. Lucy sure is a pretty kitty!

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