Crazy for Chrysanthemums

It's that time of year again, wherever you go, wether it's the grocery store, Costco or 

nursery there are Chrysanthemum's galore!  

There's just something about these colorful seasonal flowers that makes me smile. 

My mom always loved Mums...I think that has something to do with why

I've decorated our deck and garden with them this year. 

Do you have a favorite color of Mum?

I love them all!

Here is an image I found online for you to enjoy.

(image source from Wikipedia) 

Have a beautiful and most colorful week!



TexWisGirl said…
very pretty. no favorite color - all!
Anonymous said…
Love this time of the year and all the chrysanthemums.

Hi Becca, I love Mums for fall decorating. There is one in my urn and one sitting beside it. I am partial to yellow ones. Hope you had a fabulous weekend.
GardenOfDaisies said…
I love them too. The blue-purples and bright yellows are probably my favorites. Certainly no shortage of color there.
Judy S. said…
This has been THE very best fall in ages for Mums. When it rains, the blossoms are like little sponges and get really soggy, so thank goodness for all this dry sunny weather! Might those purple and yellow flowers be asters? They bloom heavily now, too. Both of them come up year after year, a real plus in my book. The bunnies got our asters though. :-(
RURAL said…
I love them all, but the Autumn colors steal my heart...

Oh and Becca, when you do get your first snowfall in your new home, stay at home for the day. They are so unused to snow there, and it's a messier snow then up here, the entire city shuts down, lol.

Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams
Lisa Graham said…
Pretty shots Becca. My favorite is light pink...the ones I have are a bit sticky and droopy but I love the way they look.
Tracy said…
Oh, I LOVE chrysanthemum's too! I really love what they call "spider mum," those one's with the longer petals. My favorites are white mums, but I like the rusty colored ones too--very autumn vibe those. ;o) We've not gotten any autumn flowers yet this years. We've been so consumed with interior painting, etc. we're forgetting the outside! Happy Week, Becca ((HUGS))
love the gorgeous photos and amazing colors. thank you for your sweet comments - have a great week.
Anonymous said…
Marvelous color display Becca. We have some wild purple ones in my neighbors pasture, these are my favorite, like an explosion of purple. I wouldn't mind having your lovely views though. Fantastic photos as always. xox
Rosie Grey said…
What a beautiful collection of mums, Becca! I love the variety and can't decide on a favourite colour! :-)
Unknown said…
Just look at all those pretty flowers. I have to say I love every color as well..

Hope you have a Happy week my friend.

Dianne said…
I love mums! They are my favorite flower and one of the reasons I love fall. I love purple, white, red and gold... any color really, but especially green button and Fujimums!
Gillian Olson said…
They add such a bright splash of colour at this time of year and they last too, bonus! :)
Unknown said…
I love seeing all colors of mums in the fall. They are really pretty when they have a dusting of snow. That usually happens here at the end of fall. Have a great day.
Diana Seal said…
Oh, the wonderful colors of fall! I love mums, it seems there is a new color added every year!
Thanks for sharing your great pictures!
Caterina Giglio said…
isn't it funny how we have come to identify specific flowers with seasons, lovely pics as always...
Anonymous said…
hi becca, beautiful collection :D [new follower to ur blog]
Justine said…
We don't use them here in the uk like you do at this time of year. I love all these wonderful colours and white is my favourite
Unknown said…
so pretty! I love all the colors - they have such a soft and muted tone - perfect for this time of year - gorgeous!
So many pretty colors! I do love the burnt orange ones. Soon there should be mums available here -- still waiting for things to cool off during the daytime. :) Hope you are having a great weekend. Tammy
Catherine said…
How wonderful! You are lucky to have the nice weather to have all those pretty flowers on your deck. They would freeze here now. I think I like all the colors!
Happy October Becca!
xo Catherine

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