It's pretty grey out this morning, so it's a good day to work on some of the 

crochet projects I've started.

This motif reminds me of a sand dollar.

 "Thread Crochet"  is still challenging me, and I'm not ready to give up! 

Making the little motif's are a great way to practice, and can be used in 

so many different ways.

I can see the close ups give away my imperfections and makes the thread 

look a lot larger than it is.  (I'm using a size 10 crochet thread)

The wonderful thing about blogging though, is the support and encouragement

you receive and give with fellow bloggers! 

This one...well let's just say it's been through a lot.  

I think I've taken apart more rounds than I've finished.  

Still, so many rounds to go here and hopefully once it's blocked it will

look better. 

I can't believe I'm determined to finish this one.  We will see! 

The sun was shining yesterday, and this is what I found.

I think Lucy thinks I should work on something else for a while. 

What kind of works in progress do you have going? 

Do share!




TexWisGirl said…
sweet baby kitty!

i just finished a drawing this weekend for october's giveaway. (yippee!) always helps when i can get it finished before the month starts!

love the fence photo in your header.
Lisa Graham said…
You know, I don't think I can see crocheted anything now and not think of your pretty posts about crochet.

Lucy is looking as though Seattle agrees with her.

Projects? I HAVE to get my Neonatal Resuscitation test done!! I have been dragging my feet like crazy. After that, two more 16 x 20 pieces for the art show in October! :)

I love coming here. Have a great day my friend.
Katy Noelle said…
Keep going! There's bound to come this moment when you see how far you've come and you'll be so glad!!! =]

I just feel like I locked myself in my 'room' for the past two and a half weeks - I was figuring out how to get my images together and ready to sell at the local craft fair! I made it!!!! (but, I stayed up ALL Friday night hinging the mats. =O) Then, the craft fair was a non-stop Sat and Sun. I sold several photos - including a big one! Yay!!!! =D

er, thanks for asking! ;) LOL!


psst. I can see the image for the next post - I'm going to seriously love having another bloggy friend by the ocean! I only have two others - one in Prince Edward Island and one in Cornwall. Crazy, isn't it?! =D

Anonymous said…
Sand dollar love...and kitty love too!xox
Dianne said…
You're doing so well at it... I tried it for a while, but I just didn't (don't) have the patience! My WIPs are a couple of poison dart frog and bird paintings.
Judy S. said…
Lucy looks like Ginger's cousin! Your crochet looks great. I am always amazed how the camera picks up things I've not noticed. Glad you're working on your wips and not creating new ones like I do!
Anonymous said…
Very pretty! Crochet's something I've never learned...and since I already have too many things on my to-learn list, I think I'll just continue to enjoy yours ;)
Gillian Olson said…
I agree that motif looks like the pattern on a sand dollar. I love the blue and so does Lucy apparently.
Catherine said…
Little Lucy looks like a basket full of joy! That's what I think!

Hope you are having a happy week Becca!

xo Catherine
Unknown said…
I love the way your crocheting is turning out. I think it looks amazing my friend.. And Lucy couldn't look more sweet curled up in that basket..

Hope you have an awesome week girly.

I think you are doing beautifully, Becca! I have a few things going right now...a naturalist's box collage, and some junk jewelry. Love the music here...happy and peaceful...
Tammy said…
You are your own worst critic! Your crochet work is always so lovely. I still make mistakes when I follow new patterns. I will certainly never be a professional crocheter. :) Best wishes, Tammy
Justine said…
wonderful crochet and I love that gorgeous cat lying in the sun!
Tracy said…
Ah, sweet Lucy! Cat do let us know when it's time to shift our attention to something else...like them! ;o) LOVE seeing you crochet progress, Becca. And love that blue cotton. I'm just learning how to crochet a circle in a square motif. I'm still getting the hang of it, as I feel more a knitter naturally. Great to catch up with you! I've been offline a few days having some fun, just now surfacing! :o) Happy Weekend ((HUGS))

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