Hello from Cali

Just wanted to send a quick hello from La Jolla, California.
Part business, part pleasure trip.  It was about a  5 hour drive from our home in Las Vegas. 
It's always nice to get away especially if it involves the ocean isn't it? 

Tomorrow, I'll probably find a Starbucks, have some coffee or tea, and do a little blog hopping. 
I feel like I haven't been around much lately, so I hope to get caught up with all of you! 
The weather here in California is nice, but kind of chilly at night.  It's supposed to be 69 degrees F tomorrow, so I'm hoping to spend some time outside with my camera. 

Chat with you soon! 


Anonymous said…
Beautiful photos dear Becca!
Justine said…
oh this looks wonderful! would love to just hop on a plane and sit on that beach!
andrea creates said…
how fun! these photos really make me miss home :)
Catherine said…
That still seems warm to me! :)

Enjoy California!
xo Catherine
Lisa Gordon said…
Surely looks beautiful there Becca!
Have a wonderful time, and enjoy every moment!!
I sure wish I had known...you could have picked me up on the way! heehee! GORGEOUS photos! Enjoy your trip and don't worry about us! ♥♥♥
Pamela said…
Wish i was there Becca!!
How wonderful to just get away...that's what i need!

Can't wait to see all your beautiful photos!!!
Come home safely
Pamela xo
Unknown said…
I wish I was there with you.. It looks beautiful.. I have to agree with you a perfect trip always includes the Ocean.. I hope you have a blast.. Can't wait to see more pictures...

Hugs, Linda
lilylovekin said…
Enjoy your trip. The ocean is so different from your home, I'm sure it will feel wonderful to be away. Can't wait to see what you capture with your camera.
LOVE the SanDiego area! I know you've got to be a having a wonderful time! Enjoy the lovely ocean. :)
Rosie Grey said…
How wonderful Becca! I hope the pleasure outweighs the work ;-)
Beautiful photos, Becca! I was there years ago and remember watching the hang gliders! Enjoy your time away...we are having a couple of inches of snow here tonight!
Brianne said…
Beautiful sunset pictures. How funny that my blog has me enjoying the sunrise over the Atlantic. Chariot driven across the skies.... Enjoy the coffee.
Judy S. said…
Your La Jolla photos brought back memories as we used to go to church there and loved to eat at Anthonys. Our girls learned to swim at their Y. I think that particular one got torn down, but it was a nice place. Hope you had a great time!
Kelli said…
Lovely pictures... I hope there are some warm breezes to go with those palm trees!
(It's in the 40's and rainy here. Brrr.)
Georgianna said…
Beautiful photos!!!! Glad you got away to such a lovely place. I'm especially interested as I'm heading to San Diego next week. Will also be seeking out the nearest Starbucks. :)

Thanks for stopping by – yes, lots of fried chicken in the south and sweet potatoes with every meal. Dieting not on the menu. xo
GardenOfDaisies said…
There is nothing like the sun setting on the ocean. So calm, so peaceful. Wonderful.
gail said…
I'm jeolous---it looks beautiful!
This is how I feel about the Great Lakes of Michigan, like the sea without the salt! :) Gorgeous photos!

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