My Crochet Obsession and a Little "Lucy Love"

The Doily.

What is it about this "ornamental mat" that has my heart swooning and

wanting to create more and more of? 

Each design is uniquely challenging for me.

I love the thought of creating something pretty and lacy-like with thread.

 This is my first "Pineapple Doily." 

It's supposed to be 11 inches in diameter, after blocking.

I'm still 5 rows away from finishing this piece!

The pattern calls for a size 1.9mm (US 5) hook, and 

I am using AUNT LYDIA'S Classic Cotton Crochet Thread size 10.

I enjoy working with the creams, white, ecru, and linen tones.

Then, I discovered a new blog and it made me sort of 

re-think my color choices!  

I was inspired for hours looking at Dawn's beautiful creations.

Then, on a recent visit to the thrift store I found more crochet 

thread to practice with. 

I say,  you can never have too much yarn or crochet thread! 

Then, I discovered a fun book of unique Granny Squares.

Most of the patterns look as if they can be done with a size 3 crochet thread that 

I already have a few colors of, so I thought I'd give it a try.  

I have an idea for pieces like this that I want to try if I can ever put down my 

crochet hook and get to my sewing machine. :-) 

This lamp sits right next to my sewing machine.

I threw this crocheted piece over it and loved the look.

(no, I didn't make that piece...a little more practice!)

So, here's the "Lucy Love" part of this post.

Taken with my iPhone so some might be blurry but I 

thought they were too fun not to share! 

So, most of the time Lucy will just fall asleep in my lap and I continue to 

crochet.  Of course, if something wakes her and she sees the thread or 

crochet hook moving, that little paw starts going at it.  

It's fun to watch, and I can usually distract her from the thread and 

she'll fall asleep again in my arms. 

Seeing this photo reminds me that if I get confused with a pattern and have to 

start a row all over again...'s worth it.

Hope your week is off to a great start!


I sure love the way it looks thrown over the lamp with the soft light coming through. It amazes me to see the intricate designs! I love the colorful pieces, too! Enjoy your week!
TexWisGirl said…
so, so precious. :)
Anonymous said…
What a little sweetie she is! Love the crocheted doily.
wowza...i am a big fan of crocheted doily's and yours are beautiful. lucy looks so cozy in your lap!
Deb said…
Your work is so delicate. It's very pretty and I'm sure you will be making ones like the one on the lamp soon. That Lucy...what a love. Tabby cats are so special. Deb
jinxxxygirl said…
AAaaawwww......My cat Jinx has to be in the middle of whatever i'm doing....sometimes cute and awwww inspiring other times annoying...thanks so much for sharing....Hugs!deb
Lorraine said…
lovely vintage pieces..and the photos of the cat makes me laugh
andrea creates said…
lucy's so cute!

your crochet work is so pretty~ i've never attempted a 'big' project like a doily with such fine threads myself~just edgings and such, 'til i work up the courage ;)
aren't the threads fun to find in new colors? :) i use them to embroider too~
Alina said…
I MUST try and learn how to crochet! I love all the photos especially Lucy's (of course :0) and the lamp covered with that gorgeous doily. Thank you for the inspiration! XO
Kate said…
Love all the doily love!! And your cat is adorable.
Kate :}
RURAL said…
Oh Becca, she is absolutely adorable....and to fall asleep in your lap. Charming.

I love that modern crocheters are branching out into more colors, it gives the beautiful handwork a nice fresh spin.

Crafting Queen said…
Sweet kitty cat. Love your crochet pieces.
Unknown said…
I just adore the photos of Lucy. She looks so sweet sleeping in your lap. I can just picture her waking up and wanting to play with the yarn.. Your pieces look wonderful. I love seeing your work. Thanks so much fro sharing it with us...

So sweet, look so cozy crocheting with Lucy! You are really good at the crocheting now...such loveliness!
Catherine said…
Little Lucy appears to be a very good lap warmer. And I'm amazed that you can distract her from that thread! LOL!
Hope you ate having a wonderful week Becca!
xo Catherine
Gillian Olson said…
Great projects, I like both the natural and brighter colours.
Lucy is just so cute, I think I need to borrow her!
Lisa Gordon said…
Becca, the Pineapple Doily is absolutely gorgeous!! I cannot even imagine the amount of work (and patience!) that went into making it.

I think Lucy enjoys your work too. What a precious one she is.

Happy day to you!

Tracy said…
LOVE the crochet, Becca... the multicolored pieces are lovely! I think the fascination with doilies is that they are a bit like mandalas. :o) Thank you for the Lucy Love... so sweet!...*sigh*... Happy Days ((HUGS))
Lisa Graham said…
Such lovely warm pictures here Becca...and Lucy cracks me up. On the sewing machine! Too funny. Reminds me of when I used to crochet a lot and my cats always went crazy chasing the yarn.
Dawn said…
Oh, my goodness, Becca!!??...Your blog is AMAZING! So beautiful. I love, love, LOVE your pineapples. But crocheting with Lucy?...well that just clinched it for me! Your pics with her (and your crochet) are simply --- well, I almost got teary-eyed when looking at them --positively lovely & breath-taking!
Tammy said…
Lucy is so sweet. Jingles usually sits with Zack in the evenings, but sometimes she wants to come sit with me. She always positions herself in the most inconvenient of ways so that I can barely move hook or yarn. I've never done a pineapple doily. But I did try using a very small hook and thread and just couldn't manage it very well. You are doing great! I don't think you need anymore practice. Sure looks like you've got the hang of it. Your work is always beautiful. Best wishes for a wonderful weekend. Tammy
Katy Noelle said…
Oh! That's so sweet! I wish that I wasn't allergic to cats! They seem like really fascinating companions. Of course, I have conversations with them all the time - they don't run away from me, for some reason, but usually stay and tell me their life story. But, no sweet snuggles and petting, I'm afraid. But, I am very much enjoying seeing you and your Lucy from this safe distance! ;)

You crocheters have been so inspiring - not that I'm trying it but it's getting into my decorating brain.



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