Hyacinth and Hearts

A Valentine for you...

"Hearts Desire"

You can find the free pattern I followed, 

I'm using a size 10 Crochet Cotton Thread and a size 7mm hook.

You can also use a larger size, 3 Crochet Thread to make a larger doily. 

Sending you Hyacinths, Hearts and Hugs for Valentine's Day. 



TexWisGirl said…
so sweet. thank you, dear becca. :) right back at you.
Tracy said…
Thank you for the gifts today, Becca! LOVE TO YOU! Hope you & Russell have a sweet day. :o) ((HUGS))
Happy Valentine's Day Becca. So pretty and delicate.
Anonymous said…
That flower is just stunning. I love them anyway and your simple neutral crochet piece just sets it off beautifully. xox
Lorraine said…
I can almost smell the heady scent of those hyacinths..love the crochet. I bought some crochet hemp recently so will have to use that soon but its so nice just looking at the little collection in my pottery bowl
RURAL said…
Beeeeutiful. I love both, and those sweet hearts...

Georgianna said…
Happy Valentine's Day to you, too, Becca! The colors of those hyacinth are incredible.

Ours are poking up but I think it will be some weeks before they flower.

Hi Becca, I love that doily! I made one a couple of years ago and the first time I did it, the hearts were kinda wonky, but I figured it out by the second go at it. :) Yours turned out beautifully. Beautiful flowers, too. Wishing you a wonderful weekend. Tammy
Unknown said…
Your photos look so pretty my friend.

Catherine said…
I am loving that purple Becca!
Hope you had a most wonderful Valentine's Day!
xo Catherine
Beautiful in colors and texture. Hope you had a good day.
Judy S. said…
You are getting to be quite a whiz with that crochet hook of yours! Loved the kitty photos. We've got quite a few sprouts poking through, so it seems like spring isn't too far off. Don't you love the Hellebores? I've not managed to get them to grow in our yard though.....
Lisa Gordon said…
What a beautiful series of photographs this is, Becca. I love these two colors together.

I hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day.

Happy day to you!

I love this beautiful crochet design. I've had your blog open for a few days to remember to save the pattern! You are so talented!
GardenOfDaisies said…
This is a beautiful heart doily. The blue color of the hyacinths is so amazing, isn't it?
Jillayne said…
This is so pretty Becca! I love how the hearts form a ring, yet are so subtle.... thanks to you I am rediscovering the charms and simplicity of a crochet hook and thread.
Lovely piece, and thanks for the link.

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