A Natural Selection


What do you think of when you hear that word? 

Organic, off-white, ecru, earthy? 

This hydrangea flower captured my attention the other day 

and brought to mind some of the reasons I love this 

Natural, earthy palette.

Wishing you a happy Sunday and a 

wonderful week ahead! 



TexWisGirl said…
nicely done, becca! mother nature would be pleased. :)
Kate said…
Such a lovely post!!
Hope you have a great week!
Kate :}
Beautiful photos, Becca...lovely different textures...I love the skeletonized hydrangea...
What a gorgeous, soothing collection of patterns and textures. Love!
Judy S. said…
Nice photos, Becca! I always marvel at the dried hydrangea blossoms. One day they're blue and then the next everything is tan!
Tracy said…
Oh, this whole post is GORGEOUS, Becca... love the soothing neutral shades and BIG focus on rich texture. Wow! Happy Days ((HUGS))
Hi Becca, Natural is my go to colour:) with accents of whatever takes my fancy at the time. Enjoy the week!!!
Katy Noelle said…
You know, Becca. It's this funny thing... I LOVE these colors but when I do anything - anything at all - it comes out all colors! =/ Don't get it! But, not my Pinterest page... it confirms that I love 'natural'! and I LOVE this beautiful soothing post! =]

Unknown said…
You always have loved the natural tones.. So pretty. You photos look awesome my friend.

Catherine said…
Mother Nature does indeed make the best of everything. Beautiful!
Wishing you a happy week Becca!
xo Catherine
Silvina Soave said…
hermosa paleta de colores, me encanta! Preciosas las imágenes.Un abrazo grande.
Lisa Gordon said…
Becca, you have presented these wonderful photographs so beautifully. I just love the colors, and that hydrangea is just gorgeous. Looks like lace.

I hope you have a wonderful week!
Marilyn said…
I love all these beautiful natural textures, especially the "skeleton" blossom from the hydrangea.
Caterina Giglio said…
any shade of brown is my favorite, you have me drooling over each photo... : )
RURAL said…
Such pretty soothing colors, and great textures.

Love it.

Tammy said…
So pretty. I do love all those earthy tones. Best wishes to you for a happy new month. Tammy
Linda Vincent said…
I particularly liked this post as I'm doing Julie Prichards workshop 'Act Natural'. Your photos have inspired me! xx
Halle said…
Love the photo selections you shared. That rich vintage feel to the colors really appeals to me.
Lisa Graham said…
So pleasing to the eye...fantastic photos Becca!

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