Springtime and the Crochet Saga Continues

Hi friends!  

Can you believe April is upon us already? 

We've had an abundant amount of rain. 

The trees and flowers love the rain as much as I do, and everything is so green. 

I love this early blooming Rhododendron in our garden that we get to 

see from our little kitchen.  

This is a new doily I've been working on with some thread I already had in my stash. 

With only a couple more rows to go,  I realized I needed a little more thread. 

So, when I went online to order it, I

discovered this color is no longer available.   

Surprisingly enough, I couldn't even find it on Etsy or Ebay.

Oh well…I really didn't have any plans for it, but here's the thing...

I was kind of digging how this color looks with denim so I think I'll

pull it all out and just use the thread for smaller projects or even crochet appliqué on 

a denim skirt.  

What do you think? 


You'd think a color like "Linen" would "always be" but NO... 

I'm all excited about this table piece I'm making and now this color is 

no longer available!  Ugh!  Hahaha!  What's a girl to do? 

I'm not taking this apart though...

  The good thing is, that I can probably finish this up

with the lighter color "Natural" and it would look fine as long as I 

have an even amount of Linen color flowers. 

Oh well, linen flowers or not,  I'm just happy to see all the real flowers

that are out right now.


I even discovered the two hydrangeas I had in containers last summer survived our 

wet and cold winter and have already started coming back! 

Maybe I'll just stick to crocheting covers for stones…

I won't have to worry about running out of thread! 

 Thank you for being here.  

Your comments are always appreciated!  

I have a couple of surprises coming in the mail that I hope 

to share with you soon. 



TexWisGirl said…
oh, the threads being discontinued would make me crazy! good thing i don't crochet, knit, tat, or stitch! :)

love your blooms. happy rainy days to bring all sorts of new growth. and thanks for thinking of fences for next time!
Lisa Gordon said…
I've had this happen with embroidery thread, and it is frustrating indeed. Sounds like you found a way to work around it though. :-)

It looks like you are having a wonderful spring, Becca. Enjoy every moment!
Lorraine said…
just love your crochet pebbles..we have had a lot of rain too thanks for your lovely comment on my blog and yes it would be nice to drink tea and crochet all day
Kate said…
A post full of loveliness! Such pretty flowers and the GREEN!! I understand the frustration of running out of thread or yarn... no fun!! But your flower table piece looks like it's going to be gorgeous regardless!!
Happy crocheting!
Kate :}
Introverted Art said…
Becca the photos the knitting really superb...
Judy S. said…
Your rhodies are way ahead of ours! Crazy how much difference a few miles makes, isn't it? I sure do like that flowered piece you're doing! (I've had a bit of luck going back to where I got my yarn when I've run out. It's really annoying when that happens especially when a color's been discontinued!) You're right that blue multi looks great with denim! It'll be fun to see what you create. Stay dry!
How frustrating. Spring is slowly arriving for me, found snowdrops today, yea!!!
Lady Locust said…
I hate it when that happens. I have a yarn that I could use one more of but can't find even online. With the linen one, is there a jute colored thread that would work? The tone on tone of it would be great.
Your work is beautiful. Those stones are great. What a fun treat next to a little stone bunny:)
Unknown said…
Your needle work looks so pretty my friend. And I am loving all the photos of your flowers. I Bet your happy that spring is here..

Janine said…
Awww, no! That's sad about the thread not being available anymore. Could you keep the doily as it is and put it on a pillow? And how do you do those rock covers? Beautiful work and photos!
Beautiful fotos and lovely crochet work. I hope it has dried off somewhat for you by now.
Anonymous said…
So yummy. Love the juxtaposition of your flowers photos with your crochet and stones...xox
Kelly Warren said…
Thanks for stopping in to see me this week, Becca, and for your sweet comments on my Savannah. Beautiful pictures here! I love the doily around the rock. Hope you are doing well!
HeARTworks said…
I don't know why but this post made me happy. Maybe it's the beautiful pictures, maybe the attitude behind the words.... Happy Saturday! Patsy from

Caterina Giglio said…
gorgeous post... I have not crocheted in years, but I do remember the pleasure it gave me... love your header too! xx
Heartwideopen said…
GORGEOUS shots of your Rhodies!!! I miss their brilliant blooms in the spring! And our potted Hydrangea, which I thought was dead dead dead, is leafing out too!! I love reading about your crochet adventures too!!
Catherine said…
You are so talented and your flowers so beautiful!
Hope your April is full of wonderful things my friend!
xo Catherine
Tracy said…
Petals from nature... petals made in linen... All soooo BEAUTIFUL! Spring--real spring--is finally arriving here-- oh, how we've missed blossoms! Happy Days, Becca :o) ((HUGS))
Lisa Graham said…
Hi Becca! Just popping in to have a look at your beautiful world. It's always a treat to come here and see your lovely photos and see what you've been up to. The watercolor painting looks fabulous. Flowers are hard to paint. The book you finished looks interesting...might have to check that one out.

Everything always looks so pretty here. xo
Oh no! I can't believe you can't get the threads to finish your beautiful projects. Why do they do stuff like that? Seriously! I would hate to have the pull the whole doily out. You could probably finish it off at any row and it would look just fine. I keep collecting rocks. Time to get crocheting. I've made about 12 washcloths so far. Time to work on something else I think. :) Best wishes, Tammy
The spring and spun beauties are wonderful.

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