The Rhodies and Lucy

The "Rhody"

Making it's appearance in every garden, and just about anywhere you 

go around Washington.  I guess that's one of the reasons the 

Rhododendron is our state flower. 

This lavender Rhody adorns one side of our front yard.  

 These large, hot pink blooms hang over our yard 

from the neighboring yard, 

brightening up our dining area and kitchen. 

I remember one year ago (today in fact)  that I arrived here from 

Las Vegas and I saw the colorful blooms from the windows, 

 I knew I would love our 

new home. 

This red Rhody corners the other side of our front yard.  

This shrub comes in so many different colors and varieties. 

Large blooms go from this... this!

While I was taking some of these shots today, 

I walked around the corner and saw 

Lucy in her spot looking out the window.  

I'm pretty sure it wasn't  the colorful Rhododendrons that was 

catching her attention.

More likely, the squirrels that run up and down the large pine tree 

near the window.

I guess that's why she loves this spot. :-)

Time to close your eyes Lucy and take a little cat nap. 

Those squirrels will be there when you wake up. 



TexWisGirl said…
such a cute wide-eyed kitty! love her! those rhodies are gorgeous!
Lisa Gordon said…
Your rhodys are beautiful, Becca, and Lucy is just adorable.
Such a riot of blooming beauty! Lucy is Gorgeous. Suzy x
The squirrels are visiting ME today! heehee! We have a lot of pretty rhododendrons in NC but I've never seen one so red! How beautiful!!!
Kate said…
Wow, beautiful flowers! And Lucy is adorable!!
Kate :}
Anonymous said…
Very nice view out those windows! I would spend time there too!!
Lisa Graham said…
Your yard reminds me of a garden here called Botanica. Amazing. I love the pictures of Lucy in the window. She's so cute and your photos of her are so artsy.
Gillian Olson said…
Lucy is a beautiful cat, and cats seem to find the best view in the house. Rhodos are looking wonderful right now.
RURAL said…
Stunning shots, I love the rhodies...and miss them up here. But I can see them on your blog, so it makes up for that.

Lucy is adorable.

Unknown said…
Ahhhh.. I just love the shots of Lucy. And those Rhodies are so beautiful. Lots of wonderful color.

Terri came over this morning and we took a walk around Boulder City. We walked around some of the old houses and boy were they gorgeous. Every house had grass. And flowers. I really couldn't believe they were here in the desert. Seeing so much green made me think of you.

Judy S. said…
Great photos, Becca. Thinking about you today. Hugs.
I love your photos of the rhododendrons. You are fortunate to live in a climate where they thrive. Our summers in the San Francisco Bay Area Area are a little too hot and dry for them to do well here (although many gardeners still try). BTW We have a kitty named Lucy too!

Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage
Catherine said…
Gosh! One year already you've been in your new home. How wonderful. What a delight to have those flowers. And I love your corner windows. No wonder little Lucy has picked this as her favorite spot. I would too!!
Wishing you a happy weekend Becca!
xo Catherine
The views from your windows are wonder Lucy sits there in wonder! The rhododendrons are stunning...I see them growing here, but I haven't had much luck!
linda said…
I love that you captured a bumble bee in one of the flowers! Lucy is a sweet looking cat! I have never seen a red rhododendron before-gorgeous.
GardenOfDaisies said…
Your little Lucy is the cutest kitty!! Look at those eyes! The light lavender colored rhododendrons are my favorites. The ones out in WA. are so HUGE compared to the azaleas that grow around here.
What wonderful Rhodys!! THEN,,,,Lucy through the windows....what a shot!! This is cat heaven with such a place to sit and dream.
Move over Lucy! Looks like a perfect spot for me. Such a lovely view! Wonder how I would look perched up on the couch like that. :) Tammy

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