A Time to Reflect

Hello friends! 

It's not even December, but I'm always so excited right after 

Thanksgiving to 

decorate for Christmas!
Have you started your holiday decorating and shopping yet? 

Last year was Lucy's first Christmas, and most of the time we'd

 find her, at the top of our 9ft

Christmas tree! 

This year, she's still fascinated with the tree.

Although, she's simply taken to just biting at the branches and playing

underneath the tree skirt.  Silly kitty.

For me, I just love the Christmas music, baking, 

and seeing the beautiful reflections from 

all of the lights.

Speaking of reflections...

I celebrated my Birthday yesterday!

I had Dim Sum in Seattle with a couple of friends then shopping

at Pike's Market in the rain.  

At the end of the day, I was quietly reflecting on my life a year ago,

 and how I was anxious and nervous 

about our upcoming move...

I never imagined I'd be celebrating my Birthday in Seattle with 

two new friends.

It feels good to make new memories, don't you think? 



TexWisGirl said…
happy birthday, becca! you have definitely had a wonderful year with all sorts of new experiences in your new home.

love your 2nd shot. :)
Happy Birthday!! I'm so glad you had a lovely day! It's going to be wonderful to celebrate Christmas in Washington! You're surrounded by Christmas trees everywhere!
Rosie Grey said…
Happy Birthday, Becca! That sounds like a wonderful day! All the best to you and many many more beautiful memories!
oh hope it was a Happy Birthday...sounds like it was a great day after being in paradise for almost a year already. That shot of Lucy is stunning!! You should get it printed into your Xmas card....what a face!! All those reflections look beautiful....they make me dreamy eyed:) Have a good weekend!
Unknown said…
Once again so many pretty pictures. I love the one of Lucy.. Sounds like a perfect Birthday! And still more to come.

Happy Birthday! Lucy is precious.
She Who Doodles said…
happy birthday. don't you love seattle. i was thinking of taking the train up for a weekend before christmas. i never get enough of the stores, the waterfront and pikes market.
Crafting Queen said…
Happy belated birthday. Your Lucy is adorable and love the photos.
andrea creates said…
happy birthday!!
such pretty photos :)

I haven't started to completely take down hallowe'en yet, lol but plan to work on it this weekend!
Katy Noelle said…
What a beautiful post, Becca! Yes, I like those things about Christmas, too! I think it's wonderful to have a festival of light (in a sense) right in the darkest time of the year. It wouldn't make sense in summer but makes these long dark nights BEAUTIFUL! I can't wait to chop through some Christmas fun around here, too, but slowly it comes for me... little by little....

and, Becca! Happy Birthday!!! =]

Happy belated birthday! Sounds like you celebrated it perfectly. Hope little Miss Lucy doesn't take to climbing the tree now that she is much bigger. :) Happy holidays! Tammy
Lisa Gordon said…
Oh my goodness, the first photograph is just beautiful, Becca! What a sweet little girl.

We are just about all decorated, but still have a bit of shopping left to do.

I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

Lisa Graham said…
Aw...look at sweet, well-behaved Lucy! Your tree photos are a glowing star. I love them. Sounds like you had the most amazing birthday! So happy for you and all you've been able to do there in Seattle. What a blessing!!
Alina said…
Happy belated birthday and happy holidays my friend! I am enjoying each and every post/photo. You are amazing! XO

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