Around our new "Hood"

Last week, we decided to see what was around our new neighborhood in Kirkland.

We barely got started when I noticed our street was covered in pink petals and I had to stop.

This actually isn't within walking distance of our house.
We took the ferry to Bainbridge Island and had lunch here. 
I had an oyster sandwich and a beer. 


I'm not used to seeing makes me happy to know this will be a part of my spring each year. 

In downtown Kirkland, I ran into this place...

Canvas Paint & Sip Studio
I can walk here from my house!  
That's probably a good thing since I'll be sipping wine while I paint! 
This however would be more fun with a group friends.
Do you have one of these in your neighborhood?  Have you tried it? 

This is 

also within walking distance from our home.

Here you can look across Lake Washington and see Seattle on the other side. 

In the summer when the weather is nice, Kirkland gets pretty crowded with people enjoying the sunshine. 
Being able to walk here on a nice day will save me from trying to find a place to park. 

I know...
I sound as if we're living in Washington right now, but not yet.  Almost.
I was just excited to discover these things so close to home. 

The truth is, we're back in Las Vegas.
It's warm and very windy today.  Oh, and our air conditioner went out last night...hum...what else?
Our house is piled up with moving boxes, and I'm completely stressed out. 
Goes along with moving right? 
So, see why I only want to share the "pretty" things? 
It's therapy for me too, because I love connecting with you guys! 

The date is May 19th...
just around the corner.

Wonder if I'll ever "feel" ready? 

Happy Weekend to you all.



TexWisGirl said…
sorry about the A/C! dang it!

i love these views from your new hood! you're gonna love it. just keep your eyes on the prize. :)
You are moving to a beautiful place.
Try to relax...I know ,,easier said than done ,,,but I know exactly what you are going through. Just make sure your cats are locked up somewhere,,,as sometimes cats can´t take the chaos and RUN OFF as they get really confused in the mess of it all when the men start packing and going through the rooms , etc....
I used to do too much ,,,and I finally realized no matter how often we move it never gets easier,,we just have to take a deep breath and get it done and before you know it you are settled in your new place and have another move behind you. Have a good weekend.
Anonymous said…
I *wish* I had a paint & sip studio near me! Looks and sounds like a magical place you're headed to... :)
Catherine said…
Gosh - you are going to have so much fun discovering and getting to know your new neighbourhood and city Becca. You are brave trying an oyster sandwhich...eeee....haha!

That paint and sip studio looks very cool!
xo Catherine
Gillian Olson said…
Beautiful pictures, thanks for sharing.
Anonymous said…
Great views. You will have fun at that sip and paint. We have something like that in Boston. Never been but it was on the local news recently. Looks like a great place you can walk to to enjoy Lake Washington or is it Puget Sound? Now go down the Kitsap penninsula to Poulsbo, you will like that town, and Gig Harbor. Take a day trip. Charming and cute. You will be doing lots of exploring I am sure. xox
Sherri B. said…
Your new neighborhood is beautiful...and that paint & sip studio sounds fantastic! Moving is VERY stressful - I hope yours goes smoothly and that in no time at all you're settled in your new home.
Lisa Graham said…
Great photos Becca! I am loving the chairs on the deck over the water. I think I would sit there every day and read.

I think we might have a paint and sip here...I've never been though. I prefer to paint alone, because when I am with people I just want to TALK :)

Try not to be too stressed...remember that word...ADVENTURE : )

Life is an adventure but things will be sorted out soon! I've never seen so many amazing! Like your cute shoes, too! Enjoy the day...wherever you are! (I'm in NC and I'm supposed to be in FL! heehee) Hugs!
Judy S. said…
We call that pink snow, and it's a whole lot nicer than when the cottonwoods let loose with their "snow". Our camellia is now shedding its blossoms with lots of whole flowers everywhere! Pretty but a bit messy..... Nice photos. We explored more of Eastern WA and the Columbia gorge yesterday. Yep, the sun was out. Hurrah! You'll be here soon to enjoy it too!
It's me said…
Thank from me.....your pictures are also beautiful...x
Looks like you have some fantastic places within walking distance. You will never be home unpacking those boxes, lol. Hope you had a great weekend.
Carole said…
wow your pictures are sooo beautiful :)Paint & sip- sounda great :) good luck with your new home xxx
Justine said…
It looks a wonderful place, moving is so stressful but you have to give it time. I learnt this wonderful trick I do each time we move, once everything is packed up you go into each room and place your hand on the wall and you remember something good that took place there, it is a lovely way to say goodbye and remember wonderful happy times.
Tracy said…
In your heart you are probably already ready, Becca. :o) When the heart is ready, "things," the packing and all the rest have a way of getting taken care of. I don't mean to make that sound light, for moving is no easy task. But I hope you know what I mean. It looks AMAZING where you will be... and I am so happy for you! That paint shop--walking distance...*swoon*. LOVE all the pink blossom-confetti. I've been breaking for blossoms a lately here too. ;o) Happy Days, my friend ((HUGS))
Terrie said…
Wow - only a couple weeks and you'll be up in my neighborhood - and moving from my old neighborhood. We moved here from Vegas a year ago and just love Seattle and areas - it's SO pretty and you're lucky to be within walking distance of those great places because parking can be a pain sometimes. I've never heard of a sip & paint; what a fabulous idea - I'll have to check around.
Oh my gosh Becca! Your move is just around the corner but look what you have to look forward to. It all looks so beautiful! And that paint and sip studio sounds fantastic. If I could join you there, I could do the sipping while you did the painting. Ha! Hope your a/c is fixed fast -- it's been very hot here lately. Best wishes, Tammy
Susan said…
Love the idea of a canvas/wine shop, have never seen one! Looks like you picked a perfect spot to call home! LOVE all of the pink petals on the street!
Unknown said…
Your new home town looks amazing my friend.. I am sure I will visit you some time in the near future.

How cool to know you will be out of this dust bowl and somewhere green and pretty.. I am so happy for you!

your new home looks wonderful! and to live near some water, what a dream, but let's talk about the pink carpet of petals, LOVE THAT! best of luck with your move!
Oh Becca, you have a wonderful adventure ahead of you! It is stressful, but look what awaits you! It looks really beautiful there! XO
Deanna said…
Good morning, Becca..nice to get to know you. Wow, moving from Las Vegas to Washington state area, what a change. But I am sure your new adventure will be wonderful. All new places to discover, how exciting!!
Kelly Warren said…
wow, Becca, what beautiful scenery you'll have around you in your new hood! I have an old friend who lives in Kirkland! And in Jacksonville we have a painting studio similar to the one you picture here call Yes You Canvas. It's great fun! I'm sure you'll enjoy many a day/night painting there.
Unknown said…
it's really happening! you must be getting so excited!
Jillayne said…
Becca, I love it! I am so happy for you and can't wait to see and hear all about your new landing spot!
Lisa Gordon said…
Your new "hood" looks like a wonderful place to be Becca!
I absolutely LOVE the first image here.
Beautifully seen and captured!
Heather Foust said…
Becca It looks like you are having a great time discoveing new things. So happy for you! Can't wait to see you back at PPF too. That Paint and Sip looks like fun! I wish we had one around here.

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