Around our new "Hood"
Last week, we decided to see what was around our new neighborhood in Kirkland.
We barely got started when I noticed our street was covered in pink petals and I had to stop.
This actually isn't within walking distance of our house.
We took the ferry to Bainbridge Island and had lunch here.
I had an oyster sandwich and a beer.
I'm not used to seeing makes me happy to know this will be a part of my spring each year.
In downtown Kirkland, I ran into this place...
Canvas Paint & Sip Studio
I can walk here from my house!
That's probably a good thing since I'll be sipping wine while I paint!
This however would be more fun with a group friends.
Do you have one of these in your neighborhood? Have you tried it?
This is
also within walking distance from our home.
Here you can look across Lake Washington and see Seattle on the other side.
In the summer when the weather is nice, Kirkland gets pretty crowded with people enjoying the sunshine.
Being able to walk here on a nice day will save me from trying to find a place to park.
I know...
I sound as if we're living in Washington right now, but not yet. Almost.
I was just excited to discover these things so close to home.
The truth is, we're back in Las Vegas.
It's warm and very windy today. Oh, and our air conditioner went out last night...hum...what else?
Our house is piled up with moving boxes, and I'm completely stressed out.
Goes along with moving right?
So, see why I only want to share the "pretty" things?
It's therapy for me too, because I love connecting with you guys!
The date is May 19th...
just around the corner.
Wonder if I'll ever "feel" ready?
Happy Weekend to you all.
i love these views from your new hood! you're gonna love it. just keep your eyes on the prize. :)
Try to relax...I know ,,easier said than done ,,,but I know exactly what you are going through. Just make sure your cats are locked up somewhere,,,as sometimes cats can´t take the chaos and RUN OFF as they get really confused in the mess of it all when the men start packing and going through the rooms , etc....
I used to do too much ,,,and I finally realized no matter how often we move it never gets easier,,we just have to take a deep breath and get it done and before you know it you are settled in your new place and have another move behind you. Have a good weekend.
That paint and sip studio looks very cool!
xo Catherine
I think we might have a paint and sip here...I've never been though. I prefer to paint alone, because when I am with people I just want to TALK :)
Try not to be too stressed...remember that word...ADVENTURE : )
How cool to know you will be out of this dust bowl and somewhere green and pretty.. I am so happy for you!
I absolutely LOVE the first image here.
Beautifully seen and captured!