Rainy Day Green
Dear friends,
I'm just dropping in for a quick post. As the time gets closer to our move, I'm finding it harder and harder to "be creative."
Creativity tends to keep me sane though, and that's why I am trying my hardest to keep it in my daily routine even during the trying times like these.
Last week, we got a couple of days of "rainy type" weather here in Las Vegas.
(you know how much I love that!)
I was drawn by how everything looked so "clean & green" outside.
This is the area in our back yard.
I love the contrast of the plum tree and the chinese elm.
The lawn is actually artificial. Since we have a water shortage here, most people have removed any kind of grass they had and replaced it with rock and desert landscaping.
We love the green so much we choose the "fake grass."
This bearded iris container plant has been with me for about 6 years now.
It blooms every year around Easter (I love that) with large, purple bearded irises.
I hope I can find a good home for it when we leave.
See the buds already?
In our front courtyard, this container holds my "cats claw vine" that comes back every spring and crawls up the side of the house. You don't see it in this photo though. I took this because of the rhubarb!
I planted rhubarb in here a couple of years ago just to see if I could grow it.
Funny how it tries to come back every year until the June/July heat rolls around and it simply gives up.
I just threw this in for color...it was so shiny in the rain.
Finally, I wanted to share another surprise I received in the mail.
Lisa from
sent me a lovely note on one of her own notecards and painted this lovely, blonde girl on a piece of book paper! Don't you just love the blonde hair?
If you haven't seen Lisa's paintings, please visit her. You will certainly be inspired!
Thanks Lisa, I LOVE this!
The past few days and upcoming week is looking full already.
I miss you guys when I get so busy I can't even visit blogs.
I will stop by and say hi when I get a chance.
Thank you for being here.
Your comments help me keep my spirits up.
good luck with everything! don't forget to breathe!
Love the mail your received. A talented lady.
xo Catherine
Thank you for linking me and sharing your present. I am so happy you like it. : )
Lots of love.
I came across a link for the crocheted rocks so wanted to pass it along: http://www.purlbee.com/little-urchin-crochet-covered/
Have a great weekend. Tammy
Hugs, Linda