Almost "Home"

Hi everyone, I'm back! (again)

I feel like I've missed so much in the blogging world lately!

It's still not "quite" moving time yet!  As you might imagine though, there is a lot of traveling back and forth for business and pleasure in the mean time.  

This trip to Seattle was mostly business...staying in the downtown area and going to conferences. 
Some of Russell's work friends from Las Vegas were also  apart of this conference too, so that was fun! 

  Sadly, it's friends we will be saying our "good-byes" to soon. 

Since I didn't have to attend some of the meetings I had some free time to just walk around downtown, Pike's Market and the waterfront with my camera.

Some very unexpected feelings happened while I was exploring...

Even though I have loved this city for a few years now, I was always "just visiting."

For some reason, this was beginning to feel like home

My Rain City

This set of photos...some taken with my iPhone,  are not in a professional photographer's eyes correct, but in my mind, captured the "feel" of the city during my stay and I wanted to share that feeling with you. 

Walking in the Rain

Dinner at Ivar's on the waterfront with friends from Las Vegas graciously provided by "the boss." 

Bittersweet...reflections in the rain...

Friends that are happy for us, yet it will be so hard to say 


Instagram Photos

(Instagram Photo..."my spot at dinner one night") 

Thank you for being here and leaving a comment.  It really means a lot to be able to "share" with you. 

I hope you are having a great week and I look forward to getting caught up with the happenings in your world soon. 


PS...I'm working on my first 3/4 face on canvas...hope to show you soon. :-)


TexWisGirl said…
i love these rainy photos. you captured it (your new home) like a magazine shoot. :)
Ugh, I so understand what you are going through. We were very ready to leave Las Vegas, but it was so stinkin' hard to leave good friends. Even though we are very happy here and feel we made the right choice for our family...we still feel homesick for Las Vegas sometimes.
I loved your photos. I wish I could eat at Ivar's tonight!
The song that was playing from your playlist (#1) just seemed to go perfectly with this post, your feelings and the pictures. I know it will be hard to move, but I hope you love it here.
Lisa Gordon said…
So glad you are back here Becca!
What an exciting and busy time for you, and even in the rain, this looks like a wonderful place to be!
Your photos are lovely, Becca! You really captured the feeling of a rainy day and Seattle is such a lovely city! I know moving is a time of mixed emotions...of goodbyes and hellos!
Wonderful photos, love the variety and sometimes a rainy night. Enjoy your home for now.
Unknown said…
Pretty pretty pictures ... Even though I am SICK of the rain (lol) ...
... If I lived in LV I'm sure I would be sick of the sun!
Clare said…
What interesting photos - your new city looks wonderful, exciting, - what an adventure to begin a new life - to learn about a new place, to make a new home. And it looks so clean - what I would give to life in a clean city!
Unknown said…
Your got such great shots of your new city.. I am so happy for the two of you..

Hugs, Linda
Catherine said…
I love it that your new city is slowly starting to feel like 'home' and you aren't even living there yet. Perfect! I know it won't take you very long to be loving your new life once you get all settled in.

Have fun working on your canvas this week!

xo Catherine
Becca, the best of luck to you and your husband! I so want to visit the market looks glorious!
Caterina Giglio said…
sooo understand how you feel, and the music is just perfect... sets the tone for your beautiful photos... x
Jillayne said…
When you're wanting to move you really only see what's in front of you - when the decision is made and you begin the process, you start seeing what's behind you...
Moving's never easy, even when you want it badly!
Susan said…
Fun shots. I especially like the umbrella and the flowers. So neat you're embracing the rain, and transitioning to a feeling of home.
Your pictures captured the city beautifully! I enjoyed seeing every one of them.
Rosalie said…
Hey, was es hier Schönes zu sehen gibt! Wirklich tolle Fotos machst Du. Hab Deinen Blog zufällig entdeckt und werd wohl jetzt öfter mal vorbeikommen. Ich bin auch Kreative und fotografiere gern. Vielleicht klickst Du mal rüber, ich würd mich freuen.
Liebe Rosaliegrüße∙∙♥♥∙∙
Diane said…
Wonderful photos Becca--makes me want to go back--it's a great city!
Anonymous said…
Just catching up from my trip too. I love the little french bakery across from the market, did you find it too! I could stay in pike place for days and never leave. Can't wait until you begin to photograph there!!!! xox Corrine
GardenOfDaisies said…
You will LOVE making Seattle your permanent home. I loved living there and always enjoy my trips back to see family.
Gillian Olson said…
There is a great welocome feel to your photographs. I really like the walking on a rainy day with the umbrella and boots and blur of motion.
Irene said…
Lovely photos! You make rain into something beautiful!

Lesley Edmonds said…
What wonderful photos. Thank you for sharing. Of course here in the south west of England we get plenty of rain...I love the rain and I can see that you do too now:)
I have always lived where I live now so don't know that it is like to upsticks and relocate. I can try to imagine though and it must be very exciting and happy but have tinges of sadness at leaving those you have come to love.
I hope your memories of your move are mainly happy and exciting.
Tracy said…
These rainy day photos have such sweet tenderness, Becca...I can feel your longing to be there in your new home town already through these. :o) ((HUGS))
Terrie said…
Hi - I've enjoyed browsing your blog (thanks for visiting mine). I gather from your posts you're moving from Las Vegas to....Seattle? That's exactly what we did last year. We left Henderson after 5 years when my hubby took a job in Seattle. We miss the sun, the heat, the friends, but our grown boys live here in Seattle, so it's been a good trade off.

Best of luck with the move - let me know when you're settled......

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