Getting back to work

Well now that we're back from our trip to Seattle, I've been trying to get back into that "work mode" you know..."real job mode"  but it's been hard.  Good thing the weekend is almost here and I can play! 
I hope to be able to do a little creating this weekend as well as getting caught up on all of your blogs and happenings! 
I thought I'd show you my first paperback book cover that I created.  Have any of you noticed that the paperbacks are starting to be a different size now?  Taller?  Well, I have one quilted book cover that I purchased but it doesn't fit the taller books, so I set out to "make" one and this is what I came up with.  I went with the "messy" look, so you couldn't see my mistakes. ;-) what do you think? 

I actually attached a tie to the cover for a bookmark, but also made a separate, matching bookmark as well.  I think it turned out ok, but maybe next time I make one I won't have to go with the "messy" look. 

I miss Fetzer and Shatzie so much whenever we are away, but from the way they've been acting since we've been home, I think the feeling must be mutual!

I look forward to chatting with you all again soon!


I love all of the interesting elements in your cover! I have really enjoyed your travel pics! Makes me wish I was on a trip! Sometimes it's hard for me to get back to work after traveling! Enjoy your evening! ♥
Pamela said…
Beautiful book cover!

That is such an awesome shot of your kitty...the lighting is perfect! I miss my pets to when I go away.
andrea creates said…
I think it looks spectacular-I love the messy look too :)
Lisa said…
I love your book cover. Really beautiful and not messy looking at all. :) And what a sweet kitty.
Unknown said…
Very cool! Love the kitty picture.

Alina said…
Dear Becca, I don't even know how I wound up here at your Blog, but I'm so glad I did :0) I just love it's name, your art, photos, and the kitties are gorgeous. I'll be back! xx

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