Just Some Green...

Hello friends, 

I stepped out into the misty rain the other day to shoot some things 

around our deck area, looking for color. 

 This time of year, the rainy season, there doesn't seem to be 

that much color around..just mostly green. 

I am quite happy with green though...

so much more than the brown desert of my past. :-)

In fact, I do tend to lean toward the neutral tones just like this

beautiful taupe color of the gloves that my friend Judy knitted for me. 

Aren't they beautiful?  So soft too. 

Perfect for shooting in the light rain. :-) 

Made this crocheted wrap bracelet for my sis-n-law that lives in Bend, Oregon. 

The hardest part is stringing all the beads on!  

Lots of great tutorials on YouTube. 

Happy weekend! 



andrea creates said…
Beautiful gloves and bracelet!
I've always wanted to learn how to do that kind of beadwork-it's very pretty : )
TexWisGirl said…
i like your soft skies and pretty greens of winter!
I love green this time of year...probably because we have so little of it lol! Beautiful gloves and bracelet!
Anonymous said…
Love all your tones, greens and neutrals. What a beautiful pair of gloves, nice to have a friend who is such a good knitter. Nice bracelet too. I am sure your Sis in law will be thrilled. Perfect little patina moon too. xox
Kate said…
That green is a welcome sight! I'm jealous of those lovely gloves! Cool crocheted bracelet as well!
Green is a sight for these sore eyes. And rain makes everything glisten. Around here, just dirty and dusty most all the time. I certainly can't keep up. The dust just sticks to my poor plants no matter what I do. The mitts are so pretty. And I Love that bracelet! Happy February! Tammy
Lisa Gordon said…
I love the gloves and bracelet, Becca.
I would love to see some green here rightn ow, but I think it's going to be a loooooong time yet.

Have a wonderful week!
Unknown said…
Yes.. Green is Good, much better than brown. LOL. Great photos Bec.

Judy S. said…
What a fun bracelet! Isn't this early spring crazy? I have daffodils ready to bloom. Hey, you didn't mention all the moss..... Have a fabulous Valentine's weekend! Does Eton have winter break? If so, enjoy. Hugs.

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