Happy Spring!

Happy spring everyone! 

How are you my friends? 

Don't you just love seeing flowers appear and have you noticed how

pretty and happy the birds sound now? 

This month has been very, very rainy and I have enjoyed every minute of it! 

I've been doing lots of crocheting, reading and drinking tea on the rainy days. 

I know lots of people hate the rain, but it's why things are so green here! 

I love to walk in the garden just after the rain.

(or sometimes even "in" the rain) 

The bottles I have out there now are so colorful.

This year I'm working on putting together a bottle tree for our 

garden, have you seen them before? 

So many daffodils popping up and next 

will be the tulips.  Can you see them below the daffodils starting to 

come up? 

I know now that moss is really not a good thing to have, but I do so love how 

it looks on the decorative rocks.  So green! 

The Japanese Maple is starting to come back. 

Can you tell that even my frog, is happier here on the 

green moss than he was on the rocks in the desert? 

So tomorrow, I'm celebrating the first day of Spring with my friend, Judi. 

We're going to do a little shopping at our favorite nursery and 

maybe even enjoy lunch outdoors! 

Wishing you a beautiful spring day! 




TexWisGirl said…
i know you love the greenery. i can understand that! your frog does look happy to be there, too. :)
Such lovely photos, Becca...I can almost smell the damp spring air...
Anonymous said…
Nothing is popping here, but I am enjoying your Spring views just the same....Pretty, buds and that moss, just love moss. xox
Unknown said…
I love seeing pictures of flowers and green plants. Spring is coming much slower where I live, but at least we are getting rain more than snow. Happy Spring to you.
Kate said…
Happy first day of spring! Loved your garden photos as I woke up to more snow this morning! Keep that beautiful green coming!
Kate :}
Judy S. said…
Happy Spring to you, too! It's great to see those daffodils, isn't it. I love primroses also. All the color brightens up the day. Great photos! What's your favorite nursery?
Silvina Soave said…
Preciosas imágenes primaverales y hermosos todos los detalles de tu jardín!
Un fuerte abrazo.
Lisa Gordon said…
It looks like the beginning of a beautiful spring, Becca! it will still be several weeks before we see this here, but it is so worth the wait.

Have a wonderful evening!
Unknown said…
Happy First Day of spring my friend. So many pretty photos my friend. I bet you had some fun shopping at Molbaks..

Tracy said…
Happy Spring, Becca! LOVELY signs of the changing season in your "neck of the woods" ;o) Here the early spring blooms are beginning--crocus, snowdrops... The tulips are coming into leaf. Finally, after a long winter, spring is slowly unfolding. Next week I'll be launching my very last jewelry collection for sale (I'm "retiring" from jewelry-making) and the items are VERY much inspired by spring! Happy Days ((HUGS))
Catherine said…
No flowers blooming here yet but there is almost no snow left so I have hope for blooms soon!
Have fun making your bottle tree Becca!
xo Catherine
Tammy said…
Exactly why there's not a whole lot of green going on here. Not much rain. Cloudy today with just a little drizzle here and there. Always just enough to make everything that's dusty look dirty. :/ Your bottle tree will be great as everything you do turns out beautifully. Best wishes for a wonderful weekend. Tammy
Chris said…
Hi Becca, love your photos of spring. Unfortunately we are still
buried under piles of snow, LOL I'm just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. I have been having trouble with GFC and if I am already following you, and you following me, please forgive me. If not, please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris
IThis is my first visit to your blog. I love the simple way you write, nice clear pictures, and that you're a TEA
lover too. You've reminded me its just fine to have several creative things going at once, and how beautiful spring is. I've been to Seattle many times. I'll be back again!

IThis is my first visit to your blog. I love the simple way you write, nice clear pictures, and that you're a TEA
lover too. You've reminded me its just fine to have several creative things going at once, and how beautiful spring is. I've been to Seattle many times. I'll be back again!

You're going to have a lot of flowers with that good moisture soaking into the ground! Happy Spring!

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