Around the House

Hello friends! 

Just checking in…how are you? 

Lots of just being cozy around the house. 

I love that kind of day, don't you? 

We had a day of snow a couple of weeks ago. 

(yes, I said "a day." it's all rain again now) 

I know…most of you are sick of snow and want winter to be over.

I get that…I'm looking forward to spring too, but I just had to 

share a quick "feel" of our snow day here since we rarely get the white stuff. 

Lucy spends a lot of her time on the window seat in my studio. 

She has a view of the birds and squirrels and a cozy bed when she 

gets too tired from all the action. 


I think this squirrel wants me to quit taking photos and get out there and 

give him some peanuts.

I love this photo below, power lines and all. 

It really gives a feel of that snowy day looking out over Lake Washington 

from our bedroom.

 Ok, enough of the snow. 

I've been wanting some new barstools…something with a back.

Until I find what I want, I decided to crochet a cover for the stools I have. 

It's a fun way to dress up those plain and boring stools. 

I found the free pattern HERE


Speaking of spring, we saw a chickadee checking out the house 

we have hanging on our deck already!  

You can see here below, that Lucy saw her too. 


Don't scare her away Lucy, hopefully we'll be seeing baby chickadees 

again this spring! 

Waiting…a little longer…for spring! 



Those crocheted covers are adorable.

I live in Southeast Texas, and we've had a lot of cold weather around here, but I'm still not quite ready for it to be over, because I know how hot it gets, and so quickly.

Having said that, the temps have been in the high 70's all week, so spring is surely not far behind. Take heart.
Deb said…
Lovely photos. That's clever to crochet covers for your bar stools. It looks great. Lucy...what a darling! 27 more days 'til Spring. Deb
Deb said…
Lovely photos. That's clever to crochet covers for your bar stools. It looks great. Lucy...what a darling! 27 more days 'til Spring. Deb
TexWisGirl said…
adorable kitten, enjoying the view out the window just like her mom does. :)
Anonymous said…
Lucy is just so are those seat covers, gorgeous. Bet no one could drive the day it snowed! xox
Lisa Graham said…
Lucy is just the most entertaining kitty. Your photos are lovely Becca. You have such beautiful captures. Your bar stool covers are perfect!
Kate said…
Love your stool cover Becca! Your snow pictures are lovely too... I wish for spring also. The prettiness of freshly fallen snow is the only thing keeping me from hating winter right now!
Have a great weekend!
Kate :}
Unknown said…
Those seat covers are lovely, what a clever idea.
Anonymous said…
Aww, Lucy is too cute! :D Isn't it great to have furry studio helpers?! :D I am also loving that stool cover you made... I might just have to take a peak at that pattern!
Hugs and stay warm - everything here is under a thick blanket of snow and now a top layer of ice... makes trees pretty for sure.
Beth P
Tracy said…
Winter was made for cozying! ;o) And you're finding lovely ways to be cozy during winter... LOVELY glimpses of winter from your part of the world, Becca... Sweet Miss Lucy, especially (our Charlie sends purrs ;o) And the crocheted stool face-lift is GORGEOUS!! I love the soft color... Happy Days.. and thanks for stopping by my place :o) ((HUGS))
andrea creates said…
Beautiful photos!
Love the crochet stool cover :)
Unknown said…
I really do LOVE that stool cover Bec, It looks wonderful. And all your photos are so pretty. Spring is in full swing here.. I would rather have a coat on right now. But I won't go into that whole story with you again..

Judy S. said…
We had a teeny bit of snow here yesterday again, did you? I LOVE the stool cover; was it hard? What kind of yarn did you use? Great photos, BTW!
Lisa Gordon said…
What beautiful images of your snowfall, Becca!
Yu sweet little kitty looks right at home in her window seat. I'll bet you love having her in your studio with you.

Wishing you a wonderful week ahead.
Kelly Warren said…
Beautiful photos, Becca! I LOVE the crocheted bar stool cover!
Well, after crocheting that cover, I don't know why you would want new stools! It's gorgeous! Lucy is so cute! I think I could handle a day of snow and that would be about it. :) Best wishes,Tammy
Lorraine said…
what great that crochet on the stool. Thanks for your blog visit you asked whether I had crocheted something underneath one of my paintings but no I picked that up at a vintage fair for £1 and I use it to protect my old chair
I really admire your finnessse with that crochet needle and kitty looks sooooo cute!

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