Practice Makes...

Practice makes perfect

Well, in this case, not exactly "perfect," but better! 

I'm still trying to work on my thread crochet skills.

During out recent visit to the Alderbrook Resort and Spa on the Hood Canal, I had a few quiet, 

peaceful moments to enjoy the view and concentrate on a crochet project or two.

Both the coaster and the bookmark I tried before with little success.

The bookmark came out crooked, and the coaster was "curly" and big 

because I didn't use the suggested correct hook or thread. 

I'm pretty happy with how these turned out, in fact, I gave the coaster to my new

neighbor and friend Priscilla,  for watering my container plants while we were away.

('s Seattle, and we haven't had rain for days!) 

I'm thinking my mother in law might enjoy the bookmark.

Just think! 

By the holidays...who knows what my friends might receive! :-) 



TexWisGirl said…
they both look great! the coaster/doily reminds me of my mother. she always used doilies. :)
RURAL said…
Becca, those look great, you did a wonderful job on them.

Anyone would be flattered to receive a handmade gift like that.

Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams
Anonymous said…
Love the bookmark, so pretty! Nice work. Pacific breezes must agree with you. xox
Looks like those skills are really getting there...beautiful projects!
Catherine said…
That's a really pretty bookmark! Good job!
Have a happy week!
xo Catherine
Tammy said…
Your coaster and bookmark turned out beautifully. I haven't even worked with crochet thread - I tried many moons ago without success. I probably could now but prefer to work with larger cotton. The smallest hook I usually work with is a 3.5. Maybe one day I will try to go smaller. :) Have a great week. Tammy
Lorraine said…
really elegant and beautiful
Tracy said…
WOW... these are HUGELY IMPRESSIVE and BEAUTIFUL, Becca! The coaster and bookmark are wonderful. My novice ventures in crochet find me liking to work with a yarn more than a fine thread... though the finer the fiber, the finer the work I suppose--so I should just practice more...LOL! You're making such dazzling progress with the crochet hook. This is so inspiring to see! :o) Happy Days ((HUGS))
Crafting Queen said…
Two very beautiful projects. Must have taken you ages.
Unknown said…
They look wonderful my friend. I am the worst at reading what size hook I should be using and what yarn or thread.. So that is why my baby blanket turned into an afghan. Hee Hee.

They really do look wonderful..

Lisa Graham said…
Look at that Becca! I think they are got your coaster to lay so nice and flat and everything is so regular.

Wonder if Seattle is having a drought too like so much of the rest of the country.
Judy S. said…
Wow, you are doing great with that hook, Becca! They are both beautiful. A shawl should be no problem! Glad you're enjoying our late arriving summer, the months when our weather is almost always surprisingly dry. But the there are the other rainy ones to make up for it!
Anonymous said…
You did a great job...I love the patterns you chose. Great stuff woman! Thanks for sharing....and I love your music too....I'm dancing here.

ciao bella
creative carmelina
Dianne said…
The bookmark is so pretty and delicate... Love the coaster too!
Diana Seal said…
Great job, they turned out very pretty. I especially love the bookmark!
Such beautiful work! Lucky Priscilla!
She Who Doodles said…
great job, i never could crochet with tread. i always did yarn projects.
Gillian Olson said…
Both look perfect to me, such lovely work!
Marji said…
Wow,you are getting great pretty fast! Love the bookmark. Seems like these will make excellent gifts :)
Unknown said…
I so love your crochet bookmark idea. I don't mind if its crook as long as its usable. That's good for me.
new farm dentist
Lisa Gordon said…
You are amazing, and these are wonderful!

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