Art Journaling...Faces
I've been wanting to learn how to draw faces for SO long!
Those of you that paint, and draw have been inspiring me to try this for some time now.
This is my first attempt with water color crayons, colored pencils and acrylic.
I became a member of
Tam offers so many fun workshops, and this is where I discovered her
"free" Art, Heart & Healing workshop.
She shows you how to get started with a face.
I didn't have the flesh colors of watercolor crayons, so some of the color I used is just
colored pencil, and I found that harder to blend.
I still need more practice with the shading and noses, but felt pretty good about my first sketch.
I love suns with faces, so that is where I'm going with this.
I don't really feel finished with this yet, so who knows what it will turn into!
Once I get more comfortable I'm hoping to be able to print some of my work on to fabric
and add some stitching, what do you think?
Oh, and yes, I STILL need to practice tatting...I love that too! LOL
I have a difficult time sticking to one thing don't you?
Have a wonderful week,
xo Catherine
Now I really want to give this a try. Thanks for the inspiration.
Hugs, Linda
I love love this song's making me happy!!!
These would be VERY cool on fabric too!
You have done these so beautifully!
your faces are lovely.