Tea in the Garden

Since I had the day off today, I thought I'd join the ladies over at Kimmie's blog
Tea on Tuesday

One of the plants I have in a container in my "small" garden courtyard is a 
Lily of the Nile
(agapanthus africanus)

This time of year when the temperatures are "hot" is when this 
garden beauty thrives. 

I love it's tolerance to the heat, because while I struggle to keep some of my other 
plants happy, the Lily of the Nile blossoms! 

Strange looking buds, 

but the color is magnificent!

Soft purple flowers open up on long stems.

One of these days, I won't be lazy, and I'll get out my tripod for better macro shots.
Even the slightest breeze will move these towering beauties.

Thank you for visiting and chatting with me over tea on this Tuesday. 
Wishing you a happy rest of the week! 



Halle said…
Those are gorgeous shots the way they are. I know what you mean about being to lazy to get out the tripod. :)
Have a wonderful day!!
lilylovekin said…
I love your shots just the way they are, a tripod is too much work. The water on the flowers is So refreshing to look at. I'm having a day off of work also. Think I'll make a cup of tea!!
Caterina Giglio said…
sooo nice that you could join us for tea today... always fun visiting with you! I adore agapanthus, have not seen it here in Michigan, but grew it as an annual in CO and of course it lined my walkway in NV!! xx
Justine said…
how beautiful and what soothing birdsong while I write! enjoy your tea in the garden, gorgeous shots.
Judy said…
In a word...Beautiful!

Happy tea day.

Becca, you take the pictures I wish I could take! I see things like this and know they would be beautiful pictures, but I can never come close to capturing them. Probably because I'm using a crappy iPhone! Thank you for these!
Unknown said…
So that is what your music sounds like.. Hee Hee... I love it. Your photo's are soooo beautiful.. I love the soft purple color..

Hugs, Linda
Glad you could make it to Tea today. Your photos are simply gorgeous, and the close ups are unbelievable.
Glad you could make it to Tea today. Your photos are simply gorgeous, and the close ups are unbelievable.
Anonymous said…
Fantastic photos, great book, I have it too! Enjoy the tea in such a great setting. xox Corrine
Anonymous said…
Just beautiful, Becca... love the dew drops.

Gorgeous images and plants. Not many things can survive the heat and dust we have here. :/ Have a great day. Tammy
Unknown said…
Beautiful photos! I love agapanthus - we had it in California - can't grow it here though, unfortunately! I am so glad you could stop for tea! And that you have the day off! Whoo-whoo!

Happy Tuesday! Kimmie

I saw your name twice this week on my blog, so came back for a closer look at yours. I read back several pages and find I am head over heels in love with both your art and your photography. I read that you have a love of photography and I can see why. You make art with your photos, as much as you make art with paint, watercolors, pastels, etc. I would LOVE to put your blog on my sidebar. I hope you will say yes. Your blog is beyond beautiful. I can only thank you from the bottom of my heart for stopping by my blog both today and previously.
ELK said…
you make tea in the garden a true art form Becca~~
Pamela said…
Hey Becca i am listening to the Peanuts again!!! I love these photos so great!
Your blog is such a de-stress place to visit!!!

Pamela xo
Lynn Stevens said…
I really don't think it would be possible to have any prettier pictures. just Lovely!
hugs Lynn
Tracy said…
ah...I feel so refreshed seeing these glistening floral moments... Thanks for the respite during a busy day, Becca :o)
~*~Patty S said…
Hello Becca ~ How lovely and peaceful it is to stop by for tea!
Your plant kissed by the rain looks gorgeous...I have always loved those...they would make a nice annual in my N Virginia garden.

Happy T to you
your photography is stunning
Marji said…
Your flower photos are stunning. I love macro shots too :)
Susan said…
I love these as well. And am guilty of never getting a tripod out when I capture them. :-)
Agapanthus always remind me of Southern California. Your pictures of them are so pretty, love the color!
We are supposed to have sun and 70's next week, a perfect time to visit!
Lisa Gordon said…
What a gorgeous flower Becca, and your photographs of it are just beautiful! I hope you had a wonderful day off.
Steph said…
Oh I love these flowers!! Great Photography...now all you need is to sketch them and then paint over them....Thank you so much for your lovely comments on my blog....and I'm glad you'll be coming for tea.... :)
Kelly Warren said…
wow! these are beautiful shots, Becca! You've captured the water droplets just magnificently!
GardenOfDaisies said…
Thank you for adding my giveaway on your sidebar. Your Lily of the Nile is absolutely gorgeous. That is such a perfect color, and your photography is amazing! I could sit here forever and listen to your birds and wind-chimes.
Catherine said…
Gardens and tea ~ oh yes ~ a fine combination! Pretty photos Becca!
xo Catherine
Kim B said…
Becca these shots are beautiful, you're being silly. I had never really ever seen Agapanthus before. I had heard about on gardening shows but nothing ever compared to your presentation. Surely makes me wish even more for a drier climate! Safe travels.
Betty Jo said…
Becca this lily is gorgeous, and so are your photos.
TexWisGirl said…
beautiful photos!!! thanks for finding my blog and leaving a comment (or two) so i could follow you home! :)
Linda Vincent said…
Becca...your photos are stunning. I've enjoyed visiting your lovely blog today :-)
starseasons said…
Becca, your photos are great. I know about those breezes. I have a tripod too but new get it out. My favorite shot is the second to last.
I think I will have to give the tea bag watercolor a try too.
These photos are really lovely, Becca...I love the water droplets! The post on your tea bag art was really fun and original~ the watercolors edged by stitching is great!
Alina said…
Wow my dear girl, I go away for a few weeks and you manage to get even better! These are just super! Hope you have a great Summer XO

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