Vintage Glass

There is just something that fascinates me so with the vintage glass sea floats.  
I found this float at an antique store here in Las Vegas a long time ago.
I would love to have seen this float in action in it's day.  What is it that sea floats are made of now?   Rubber?  Hard plastic? 

Sea glass.  This is "store bought" sea glass that I threw in a vintage jar with some shells.  Have any of you ever discovered "real" sea glass on the beach?  Does it look like this fake stuff?  I hope some day to do a little beach combing and find some of the "real thing!" 

Here are just a couple of ways I use all those vintage Ball jars that I love so much.  
They make great containers for crafts, embellishments, etc. 
What do you store your embellishments in? 


Hope everyone is having a great week.  It was hard for me to get back to my full time job after having a nice week off.  
Thanks for stopping by!


Becca- the glass float is really beautiful! Love the blue glass jar, too- I use jars for storage a lot, too!
GardenOfDaisies said…
I love the blue of the glass float next to the brown of the rope... those colors look amazing together.
These are gorgeous... the blues and greens are so brilliant. They make me happy! These are also lovely as vases for your Easter flowers : ).

I don't have as lovely vintage jars as yours but do make use of glass jars throughout the house, whether repurposed, recently bought marinara jars or older hand-me down jars.
Brenda Pruitt said…
I too use those old Ball and Mason jars. I in fact have an assortment of marbles in one also! I am drawn to both glass and rocks. Wish I lived close enough to the sea to discover "real" sea glass. The glass float is beautiful. The texture of the rope against the smooth glass: fantastic!
Unknown said…
I still don't have anything in the new jar I just bought! It is sitting in my kitchen window with all my other bottles right now. but I am going to put it in my craft room!
Your picture turned out amazing.
Chat with you soon! Linda
Jenny said…
Hi! I saw your link on another blog and was intriqued with the name so I came to visit!

What a gorgeous post!

We used to go to Oregon a lot and hunted sea glass there all the time.

I would usually go home after vacation with a crick in my neck from looking down so much.

Gorgeous blog background, too.
erin said…
Hi Becca,

Oh my goodness - what a beautiful post. Your photographs are fabulous. Love the colors in your vintage glass and old ball jars. They would look wonderful filled with flowers.
Thank you for your lovely comments. Yes I do have some paintings with just hydrangeas and will show them soon on my blog.
Have a great weekend.
Unknown said…
Beautiful pictures! I love the old blue jars, I collect them and use them alot.
Becca-enjoy your weekend! We are having beautiful weather.
Anonymous said…
Again, Becca, you have an eye for color and composition. These are just absolutely beautiful! Are you a collector of all things glass? If you are ever in the Corning, NY area, then you will love visiting the Corning Glass Museum! Bring that camera of yours if you do!
Diane :-)
Hi Becca~
Your photos are just lovely! They make me want to take all my beads out and play with them!
I have some sea glass too, but I'm pretty sure that it's the "store bought" kind as I've never found any in "real life" ;)
Gotta love those aqua Ball jars...they do make great (& pretty) storage.
Hope you had a wonderful weekend :)
beatrice De said…
These glass covered with coard, reminder me the *Aficans maracas* brought to Bresil, they sell there on marquets. But, they are not in glass, but this *courge* covered wuth thin cord and new glass beads made in Africa.
I had done a window about extra europeens musical intruments. Nice window with the Berimbau I brought from Bresil and some others.Some I had bought everywhere * un petit peu partout ! I have sell all to a musicien who geos to the schools and teach and play with children Well place. Sometime I am sad about them, but can't keep everything.

Is it not funny how a picture can tell stories and souvenirs !

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