On my mind...

I can't believe it's been 16 years today since I lost my Mom.  Enough time has passed now,  that I can get through this day without sadness, and only recall the good and happy memories. 

These are Lincoln roses that I cut from my rose tree last night.  Our rose tree is on the side of the house, and not that visible from the inside, so I like to enjoy their fragrance and beauty this way. 
I  really enjoy taking photographs and sharing my crafts and treasures with others out there in blogland.  
It's like a whole unique world out there of friends with common interests, and I look forward chatting with you everyday!  
So, for now, I need to get ready for work tomorrow, but I'm looking forward to the weekend!  I'm working on another project, and hopefully I'll have it finished soon and be able to show you.

Bye for now, 


Very sweet post, Becca~ thanks so much for stopping by my blog and always leaving such nice comments!
Unknown said…
Very Pretty Roses...

Lisa said…
Such pretty roses. I'm glad you can think of your mom without the sadness.
Becca, beautiful roses. Look forward to your project reveal and have a great weekend.
Brenda Pruitt said…
Unfortunately I don't know if my mother is alive or dead. She left me as an infant. Long story. I'm sorry about your mom. I'm sorry you feel sad. She must have been a wonderful mother.
Numinosity said…
I love your little Becky and your Momma photos.
Lovely roses, ours are rocking here in Arizona presently.
An Arizona rose for the memory of your mom.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and following. I really appreciate it.

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