Bonus Day

So today is a "bonus" day for me.  I call it a "bonus" day because it's an unexpected day off in the middle of the work week.
Today, I hoped to spend some time in my little courtyard reading and enjoying the sun, but even though our temperatures are mild here this time of year,  when the wind blows it makes sitting outside too cool and less enjoyable. 
I know, I should still feel blessed that I'm not buried in a snow drift somewhere like in other parts of the world, but this is how it is, and I will make the best of it even if it means just blogging about it. 

I found this photo I took just after it rained one day.  As crazy as it sounds, I'd rather sit outside in a mild rain than sit in the wind. 

The color of green and the promise of spring

Since I can't grow my favorite blue hydrangeas here in the desert, purple/blue pansies with bright yellow centers make me smile. 

...or the face of a bright yellow pansy.

more garden art

If only I could remember what I had planted here.  Oh well, it looks like we soon shall see! 

Then...on one of those not so windy days last week when I was enjoying the sun with my camera & telephoto lens in tow, this little guy came by to say hi.  
If it weren't for my little friend here and the luck of this shot, I probably wouldn't have noticed the tiny little buds on my "Charlie Brown Tree" either! 

Wishing you a lot of Spring and a little less wind for your day! 


Unknown said…
Once again Great Pictures, Do you even live in the Desert? You can't tell by your picture. I just love the picture of the little bird. I hope you enjoyed your bonus day! Talk to you soon!
Hi Becca- thanks for stopping by my blog and for your nice comments! I've really enjoyed looking at your blog, too- lovely photos! I have found as I've started blogging I am really starting to develop an interest in photography, too! I love all the color in your photos!
Marilyn said…
Great photos! The mystery flower buds look almost like daffodils.

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