
My friend Justine is the guest host for Madeline Bea's The Sunday Creative for a few weeks and asked if I would like to participate.  
Each week a new prompt is given, and you can enter anytime through out the week. 
This weeks word prompt is 


1.no longer in general use, fallen into disuse. 2. effaced by wearing down or away. 3. to make obsolete by replacing with something newer or better; antiquate.

I'm still trying to figure out a way to mount this pencil sharpener somewhere.  It has some weight to it, so I'm not so sure it would hold up in drywall and the fact that it is missing the catch all I'd have to figure something out so not to make a mess.
Anyway, it brings back memories of elementary school, standing in line with the other kids to sharpen our pencils.  I also like all the different holes...remember those big fat pencils we used to have?  Fun! 

So, there's still time to participate this week, or if you just want to see some of the other entries, click on the link above. 



Justine said…
I love this in black and white, it looks fantastic and is so perfect for obsolete. I remember these so well!! waiting in line to use it and making sure you got the longest shavings, wonderful memory there, thankyou!
Sarah Knight said…
My office / studio is at the bottom of the steps of my house. Mounted 7 feet away from me on one of the structural beams at the foot of the staircase is a pencil sharpener - ha!
Even as an illustrator I use the hand held ones.
: )
Lisa Gordon said…
Perfect for this theme!
So beautifully captured!
Love the detail in the pencil sharpener.
Catherine said…
Wow ~ this pencil sharpener brings back some memories! Mostly of how old I am because we used those in school ~ haha! I do indeed remember the big fat pencils used in elementary school. I don't think they use those anymore.

Have a terrific day Becca!
xo Catherine
Great photo, Becca~ brought back lots of memories! We actually have an electric one~ it was used a lot when my daughter was in art school...
Unknown said…
Great photo.. I think we have one just like it at the Rec. center were I work. I think that building has been there for ever.. Chat with you soon.. Hugs, Linda
lilylovekin said…
Love the detail of the photo-it brings back such memories.
Pamela said…
I remember these!!! Yes I remember also standing in line with my big fat red pencil! I used to love it when the teacher would pick me to clean out the shavings! Such fun stuff.
Thanks for the memories Becca...great photo too! Love the black and white.
Pamela xo
Carol Blackburn said…
You are sooooo lucky to have this item. Works so much better than the new-fangled electric ones. I had one of these once that I left to my daughter when I moved out and left her the house. Wish I had taken it with me as it's been missing ever since. I am soooo jealous.
lisa geiger said…
lovely feel to your photo, and i can smell the wood! thanks for bringing back memories!
Rosie Grey said…
this is wonderful! A great idea and a great shot!
Alina said…
Oh wow! Did that bring back memories! I swear I could still "smell" the wood of those pencils :0) Great idea and incredible photos! XO
great b & w of your pencil sharpener. my parents still have one like this... fun, fun!

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