Sitting, Waiting, Wishing

Lots of mixed emotions going on in my head lately.
(I chose this song by Jack Johnson for the "title") 

Last night my photography addiction helped me by "distracting" me from the real world.  

Still sitting...still waiting for an answer...still wishing. 

Hugs to all of you that have left me such beautiful comments, thank you! 


Justine said…
I love how you have done the first shot, so clever, how did you do it? and I hope you get an answer soon to what you are waiting for.
Catherine said…
I hope the answer you that you are waiting for comes soon and is the answer you are hoping for. The time passes so slowly when you are waiting for something but oh the creativeness that you are having while you are waiting ~ beautiful Becca!

Good luck and Best Wishes!
xo Catherine
Anonymous said…
Love Jack Johnson music. Always a kick in the pants to listen to. And that's a good thing!

Beautiful photos, Becca!! Hope your answer comes soon...sometimes you end up waiting longer than you want to...XO
Lisa Gordon said…
Just beautiful Becca.
I truly hope your answer comes soon.

If you will be celebrating Thanksgiving this week, I hope it is a wonderful one for you.

Hi, Becca. I hope that everything turns out just the way you want it to. Your work is beautiful, as always. I wish you a wonderful holiday.

your photos are always so gorgeous and reflect so many different moods! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Unknown said…
I don't know how I miss this post..
Your photos look wonderful my friend.. I am so sorry you have to wait a little longer.. But try to live in the moment my friend. I know that is easier said than done.. My Prayers are with you! I so hope you get what you long for..

Hugs, Linda
lilylovekin said…
May all your wishes come true, have a Happy Thanksgiving. thank you for all the lovely images you have given us to enjoy, something I am grateful for this holiday season.
Pamela said…
Oh Becca don't dispair!! It will all work out in the end...keep being positive , hopeful and full of faith!!
Love your photos!!
Pamela xo

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