Around the House


Is anyone still there?  What happened to September? 

Ok, well if you are still here, reading, thank you!  

All is well here, I just haven't posted as much lately. 

I've been dying to get out with my camera!  You see,  I have these crutches 

for a couple of weeks that have been holding me back a bit, but I'm not here to talk

about that.  I'm fine really...just a minor setback. 

So, today I hobbled out with my camera and snapped some things 

around home I thought you'd enjoy. :-) 


I've taken photos of this schoolhouse on the corner before.  

I mean, isn't this just the kind of school you see in movies or 

read about in novels?  I'm from Las Vegas remember, and my school 

was a drab, no windows, concrete building with a playground on asphalt. 

Today, I heard the kids and looked out as they were running down the stairs, 

to meet their parents.  It's about 15 minutes of laughter, chatter, backpacks 

and papers flying and some scuffling through the leaves. 

(I have a neighbor who would tell you she's looked out before and 

has seen me out there scuffling in those leaves!) 

 This October hasn't been as cold as last year.  So, our Japanese Maple still has a hint 

of green before it changes to vibrant yellow. 

Then, I noticed "the stump" (yes we have a tall stump in our yard...don't get

me started about why that's there. Lol) 

This is the first time I've seen fungi growing there. 

I'm always fascinated with mushrooms and the different varieties. 

Growing up in the desert I NEVER saw anything like this. 

Don't you think these kind of resemble candy corn?  

No, I didn't eat any. Lol 

Amazingly, this butterfly has survived it's spot under the arbor where I 

placed it over 3 years ago when we moved in. 

Looking up and over the roof to the other side. 

 Well, it felt so great to get outside today with my camera and share a few

things around the house with you! 

I've had to do a lot of sitting with my leg elevated and when I 

look out the window, there's this neighbor across the street that's 

been keeping an eye on me.  (there's a light on her at night) 

The funny thing is, sometimes I look out, and she's facing a different 

direction...or maybe I've been going a little crazy sitting too long! Ha! 

Then, if I step out to get the mail or paper "Dr. Bones" waves 

at me from next door. 

So, are you enjoying Autumn where you are? 

Is your neighborhood all decorated with pumpkins and skeletons? 

I'll be back on my feet and back to normal before Halloween, so don't be 

surprised if you see me scuffling through your leaves or 

knocking on your door for some candy. ;-)



Beautiful fall photos, Becca! So nice to see you here! Hope that leg heals up soon!
What beautiful photos. Isn't this a pretty time of year to get outside with our cameras. I'm sorry you are hurt and will keep you in my prayers sweet friend. Take care of yourself! Hugs, Diane
Judy S. said…
Hey! Nice to see you posting again as I always look forward to seeing your photos. Finally dug out some of our Halloween stuff just today. Bet you're glad Russ is coming home! Have a nice evening.
Unknown said…
Awww, Becca, I am sorry you got hurt, and I hope you are all healed real soon.

It looks like you are having a wonderful autumn. Ours was quick due to a very unseasonably cold night (16 degrees) last Saturday. And just like that, all the color was gone. :-(

You take real good care of you! xo.
Halle said…
Sorry to hear that you have been out of commission for a while. I so enjoyed your post today. Gorgeous photos, words and reflections.
Lorraine said…
fab photos I always like visiting your blog with all the colours
Kate said…
Lovely photos Becca! Take care!!!
Kate :}
Heartwideopen said…
LOVED getting a peek at your neighborhood Becca! It was so nice to hear from you again. I love your photography and sense of humor. Take it easy and don't over tax yourself... you'll be "right as rain" in no time at all. I wonder where that phrase came from???
Unknown said…
Awesome photos. Keep sharing.

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Tammie Lee said…
i know this is an older post, but your photos are lovely and those mushrooms are amazing. makes me want to figure out what kind they are. even the creamy white gray fungi in the cracks is beautiful. by any chance is this tree dead? often mushrooms grow on dead wood or trees. I hope you are well and wish you a wonderful 2016.
Lorraine said…
hello happy new year lovely photos and the hydrangea collage below is beautiful
Just dropped by to see if you are ever here ... but it's been nearly a year since you posted to your blog. Instagram has just made sharing way too easy. :) Happy Fall!
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