The Dogwood Tree

Hi friends! 

Just dropping by to say hello.

It seems as though the Dogwood tree in our garden 

has even more blossoms on it 

this year than it did last.

I love how it looks as though the blossoms are 

weighing down the branches.

The tree was here when we moved in 2 years ago, so I don't really 

know how old it is.  I'm guessing it's a fairly young tree though.

My mother loved Dogwood blossoms/trees, so I was 

thrilled to discover I would have one in my garden to 

enjoy and remind me of her. 

Have you ever read about the legend of the Dogwood? 

In Jesus' time, the dogwood grew 
To a stately size and a lovely hue. 
'Twas strong and firm it's branches interwoven 
For the cross of Christ its timbers were chosen. 
Seeing the distress at this use of their wood 
Christ made a promise which still holds good: 
"Never again shall the dogwood grow 
Large enough to be used so. 
Slender and twisted, it shall be 
With blossoms like the cross for all to see. 
As blood stains the petals marked in brown 
The blossom's center wears a thorny crown. 
All who see it will remember Me 
Crucified on a cross from the dogwood tree. 
Cherished and protected, this tree shall be 
A reminder to all of my agony.
-author unknown-

 I think that must be why I love this motif to crochet, it's called 

"Dogwood Blossom." 

Hope you're having a lovely June so far. 



How wonderful to have discovered this Dogwood knowing your mother loved it so. Many years of joy it'll bring. Suzy x
TexWisGirl said…
it's just beautiful. i love that it is finally blooming in your area, now!
Kelly Warren said…
Beautiful! We had both a dogwood and a redbud in our front yard of our old house. I miss all those beautiful blooms!
What a beautiful tree...and your photos are loves, Becca! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Crafting Queen said…
Beautiful tree and love the story.
Beautiful fotos of a huge and that crochet looks great. Have a sunny weekend!
Kate said…
Wow, what a beautiful tree! And beautiful crochet motif!
Have a great weekend!
Kate :}
Anonymous said…
Looks like our big white one. Some years it's overflowing like this, others not so much. It must cycle. We will leave it behind, but we have a small pink one that we can take with us....I look forward to that filling out. Fab crochet as usual. xox
Introverted Art said…
they are all stunning.
Lisa Gordon said…
One of my very favorites!
These are really beautiful, Becca.
I hope you are having a wonderful June too!
Catherine said…
Oh I bet those smell good Becca. We had our blossoms from our trees for about 3 days. It smelt so wonderful in our backyard. Then the wind came and took them all away. Well...that's living in Saskatchewan for you... :)

Have a happy week!
xo Catherine
CarolHart said…
I too love the Dogwood, though sadly I do not have one in my yard. Your tree looks lovely.
Judy S. said…
Aren't those Korean dogwoods wonderful? Dick just found a pink one nearby! The one in our backyard looks much like yours and outdid the Eddie's White Wonder inf the front by far. Good old Eddie only had 1, yes One blossom, but that was one more than last year. LOL

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