Some Flowers and Crochet to help make your day!

Hi Friends…

Need a little pick me up? 

 I could sure use one today! 

It's rainy and chilly this morning…I even turned on the fireplace to 

take off the chill…it's June!  Wow. 

I love when the weather does this though...

It's a nice change this time of year. 

It's a perfect day to just read a book, but I can't 

seem to stay focused on one.

It's supposed to be back into the sunny 70's and 80's next week, so 

looks like this chilly, rainy day and hopefully my mood will be 

short lived! 

There's so much busyness going on, like with this bee, 

and just too many things 

taking up space in my head right now. 

I tend to worry needlessly about things that haven't even happened.

It's so frustrating and such a waste of time, but

how do you change that about yourself?

Don't you hate it when you feel that way? 

 I think I just need to stop and smell the flowers 

like Fetzer here, 

…and keep crocheting! 

…and crocheting, 

what do you think? 

 What do you do when you need a 

pick me up? 

I'm ready for the weekend! 

How about you? 



TexWisGirl said…
SUCH pretty photos! always love when you share with us. :)

i worry - all.the.time! ALL.the.time. i think i wreck my days with worry... :(
Lisa Gordon said…
One thing that ALWAYS works for me, is a change of scenery. Doesn't have to be a European vacation, or anything like that (although that might be nice, huh?). Just something different.

It been raining here for 3 days, and yes it is supposed to get better next week, here also, but I've also had a bit of cabin fever for the past 3 days. :-)

I hope you have a good weekend!
Katy Noelle said…
Oh, Becca!! What a lovely post! :) It's been raining and chilly here in Vermont, too. I haven't given in to the fireplace (although, I was tempted by the thought that the dryness might be welcome!) My solution was to wear the long johns. ;) I just love it!!!! In June, no less!! :) After all of those years in the deserts of So. California. It's so lush, right now! :)

and LUSH!! That's what these beautiful pictures are - and the candles just complete it all - so summer lovin'! :)

Silvina Soave said…
Preciosas todas estas fotografías, realmente maravillosas!!!!
Un fuerte abrazo y feliz fin de semana.
such a lovely use of crochet.
Anonymous said…
I pour myself a very large cup of iced coffee, add my favorite flavored creamer and sit on my porch to listen to the birds. Picks me up every single time... xox
Catherine said…
Your flowers are looking wonderful Becca!
To pick me up? Well a little tea and a rainy cool day spent catching up with blog friends always does the trick. :)

Happy Saturday friend!
xo Catherine
Betty said…
I love your pictures. Sunflowers always brighten up my day. They just tell you the sun is out and to come out and play.
Anonymous said…
Wonderful lacy crochet....and hyper colorful flowers. Chilly here too this morning...xox
CarolHart said…
Your images are lovely and just what I needed to see on a grey day, thank you. Your handwork is besutiful. My mother used to crochet. I swear she could crochet a house!
Kate said…
Ooooooo love that doily! Your flower shots are beautiful too! I too am prone to worry, and have learned what helps put me in the present moment. Stopping to smell the flowers is a perfect way!
Kate :}
Kate said…
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Judy S. said…
That's a gorgeous doily you're making, Becca! Hopefully the weather's clearing up along with your worries. Take care.
Oooohhhh, pretty crochet, Becca. I have to say, I can be a bit of a worrier, too. I overthink things and then toss and turn. I do try to roll with the punches most of the time and no fret so much, but definitely not something you can change about yourself. Usually the feelings are shortlived and we move on. Nice to be productive in the meantime and soak up all the beauty that surrounds us. Hope you have a great week. Tammy
Caterina Giglio said…
your photos are always so gorgeous, it is such a nice beauty break to stop by here, and I would take a cool morning, we are in the 90's now in the south!! xo
Unknown said…
Your photos are beautiful Bec, I LOVE the one Fetzer smelling the flower. I know what helps me when I'm feeling a bit down. Its a nice fella named Jose. :)

It was nice chatting with you this morning..

Lisa Graham said…
Gorgeous photos goodness.

I hope you are feeling more cheery now that almost a week has passed.

Caterina Giglio said…
I come visit your blog when I need a "little pick me up".. which translates in Italian to Tiramisu! xo
Love the yellow. The crochet is a work of art.
Anonymous said…
great post, cool photos,amazing blog!

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