A Day at the Market

Pike Place Market
Seattle, Wa

This is such a fun place to visit in Seattle.
I love the hustle and bustle of the market on a beautiful day. 

So many colorful flowers year around!

We don't have this kind of farmers market where I live.
I still say that if I lived in Seattle I would be at the market every weekend buying flowers
and fresh seafood.

It's also a coffee drinkers paradise.

Even saw some veggies I've never heard of...

...loved the lights in the wine bottles...

The market after hours...

...birds looking for left overs...

 ...until the next day at the market.

Do you have a farmers market where you live?
I'd like to hear!

Hope you are having a nice weekend.
I'm off to do some cleaning and laundry with a little bit of
"creating" in between!



Becca, what a beautiful post! OH how I would love to visit there! Your photos are really special...I love all the different techniques you use...just makes me feel like I'm there!
TexWisGirl said…
beautiful flowers. and i could almost smell the seafood thru the screen. :)
andrea creates said…
we're pretty new to the area so i'm not sure if there's one that looks this great! i've heard about the one you visited.sounds wonderful-i'd be there every weekend too.
when we go to europe we have to hit the weekly markets :)
andrea creates said…
forgot to say: great photos ! :)
Halle said…
Gorgeous photos! We have a couple of small farmers markets weekly around here. Never seem to make it to the big one in Minneapolis anymore.
becca, are you staying there for the summer? We have a small farmer market in Prescott..not much. When we were in Col last year we went every weekend for veg and fruits...don't think we even went to a grocery store the whole time we were there. I would definitely hang out at this one...my idea of heaven.
Anonymous said…
We have a couple of markets, but nothing as gorgeous as that place. I'll bet it smells wonderful too!

RURAL said…
Becca, you caught the spirit, and the essence of Pike place market so brilliantly.

One of my most favorite places ever.

Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams
Love your photos (as always), Becca. If I lived in Seattle, I would also shop there every week. It was one of my favorite "tourist attractions" when I was there. Went three times in seven days!

We have a farmer's market that is open 4 hours on Saturday mornings. After that, it gets too hot and everyone packs up and goes home. Enjoy your fun filled weekend.
I've been there once. I sooooooo loved it! I just looooooooooove Seattle and wish I could move there. Alas, here I sit in little town NC. We have a farmers market, but it looks like a wee drop in the bucket compared to that.
xx, shell
ELK said…
you captured the vibrant feel of the market so creatively, it looks as if you really enjoyed Washington!
Pamela said…
Awesome city!!! I cannot wait to visit it one day. This is where Sam says he is going to live. ...when he works for microsoft lol !

Yes we have year round farmer's markets. One is right by my house. I love it!! All local produce which is great. Plus they carry alot of Italian things that i cannot get anywhere else.

How are you doing?
Georgianna said…
Oh my, you really captured the spirit of the market. Beautiful photos, especially of the flowers. Next time we'll go together! xo – g
Lisa Gordon said…
I have heard so much about Pike's Place Becca, but have not been there. Thank you for sharing these wonderful photographs of your time there. It looks like a phenomenal place to visit.

Hope you are having a great weekend!
Darla said…
You did make me feel like I was there.
Paula said…
Becca, these images are wonderful. So vibrant! My parents live in regional Australia with a few fantastic markets - I love visiting when I'm home x
Karen Larko said…
Wow! I'd love to go there. Nothing like that here.
Diane said…
I envy you so much Becca!! I went there in January a few years ago, and I remember the weather was beautiful for that time of year--I LOVED THAT PLACE!
Anonymous said…
Oh Becca, I love that place and you have captured it's essence. Did you eat any of those peaches. Never tasted anything as good as those peaches....and there was a little French bakery across the street, ah, pastry to die for. xox
Unknown said…
Such wonderful photos.. Definitely looks like a place I would love to visit someday!! As you know there are no Farmers Markets like that around here..

Hugs, Linda
Candace said…
I've never been to Seattle but would like to go. We have several Farmers' Markets in Phoenix, the biggest, I guess, is in downtown Phoenix on Wednesday nights and Saturday mornings and some other special occasions.
Lorraine said…
just love all the wonderful photos on your blog
Justine said…
oh you lucky thing! this looks an amazing place and what wonderful colours, wow!! love the music too!
Tracy said…
BLISS-full Saturday, Becca... GORGEOUS photos! Felt like we were right there with you. :o) Happy Days! Oh, I am actually launching a new blog today, with new creative focus--I'm very excited about it. In a few weeks I'll be closing Pink Purl. Thanks for visiting me there. ((HUGS))
Rosie Grey said…
Thanks so much for taking me to the market - I enjoyed every single stand :-) I LOVE farmers' markets so much!
lilylovekin said…
Looks wonderful. Yes I have a tiny market I go to every Sunday. It's important to me to support the local growers, plus everything taste better when it is fresh. I saw those large white flowers with the yellow center growing wild this week-end, I don't know their name but they were beautiful in the wild.
Dear Becca,
just my boss is visiting Seattle. It`s a wonderful place!
xox Birgit
Laura lok said…
beautiful representation of seattles farmers market.
Valery Klassen said…
Beautiful place with some gorgeous photos. Would love to visit some day!
Lynnae said…
I love Pike Place market but live an hour away so I usually only get out there when visitors are in town. My daughter's new in-laws took us to the French Market in New Orleans, which is also fabulous.

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