Hydrangeas for the Winter Season

I thought I'd take a little break from holiday photography and 

show you something else today. 

Remember all those hydrangeas I gathered and dried

during the autumn season? 

Isn't it interesting to see the different colors they've

 dried to? 

Although the "blue hydrangea" has always been my favorite 

when they are growing in a garden, I think this 

dried hydrangea that has turned a lovely

aqua color is my favorite! 

Which color do you favor? 

Some have brown spots which I think means I probably didn't 

pick them at the right time, but I saved them anyway as I think 

they add a nice winter feeling to the mix. 

This wooden basket holds them all nicely, 

as long as I keep them where little Lucy can't get to them...

Lucy is so fascinated with them for some reason...

I don't want her to get sick if she eats one. 

So, the dried hydrangea...

I think it will become a winter staple for me each year. 

A lovely reminder of a warm,  summer day in the midst

of a dark and chilly winter.

Warm wishes, 



TexWisGirl said…
i do like the teal shade, but the tan is sweet, too. really nice.
Crafting Queen said…
Beautiful photos, love the colours.
Anonymous said…
I a always amazed at the versatility of this flower and how many shades she can bloom with. xox
Anonymous said…
Oh how I adore hydrangea! I'm so glad you saved them and now can enjoy them all winter long. The bush that gives... how lovely.
Unknown said…
the aqua colour is my favourite too. it's very rustic and sweet against wooden things
Silvina Soave said…
Me encantan las hortensias, hermosas imágenes! Un abrazo.
Lisa Graham said…
So pretty...I like the brownish ones the best.
Tracy said…
Oh, I'm missing hydrangeas already! I tried drying some, but they didn't turn out too well... will try again next year. I LOVE when that aqua blue happens...*swoon*... Happy Weekend, Becca ((HUGS))
Catherine said…
So pretty Becca! I think I like all those colors ~ they are so lovely together.

Have a terrific weekend!
xo Catherine
Heartwideopen said…
I love the teal-y green one too, but I've always been partial to the Blue ones in bloom. I really miss my grandparents property (which is now a huge condominium 2 blocks from the Seattle Center). They had huge, REALLY OLD hydrangea bushes all over their property. They really are a gorgeous flower!! Thank you for visiting my blog!! xxoo
Unknown said…
They are all so pretty. I can just picture Lucy having a fun playing with your pretty flowers..

I had fun chatting with you the other day.

Till next time.

RURAL said…
Becca, I so miss my hydrangeas, I had all of those colors and more...

This year I have a creamy white, with touches of green, and a burgundy reddish colored blooms saved.

Yours are very beautiful, I love the mauve.

Georgianna said…
Hi Becca!

Gorgeous colors, all of them!

I had to chuckle as our dining table right now is filled to overflowing with jars of drying hydrangea blooms. I simply love them! I put them throughout the house for the winter months. Picking them is such a finicky skill. Even after many years, I don't have it down exactly.

Have a beautiful week!


Lorraine said…
just love hydrangeas..I picked some brown flowers and want to use them in art sometime..I think you can put them in wax or something..lovely photos on your blog as usual
Aaron Gardener said…
Beautiful! Is there a trick to drying hydrangea flowers? Do you just hang them upside-down? (Sorry if that's a basic question. I've never tried to dry any flowers...) But I did plant a Snowflake oakleaf hydrangea this autumn, so perhaps I can try preserving some of its flowers next year!

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