Hydrangea Surprise

Happy weekend everyone! 
Time to de-stress.

Oh, how I love hydrangeas! 

Sadly, this flower does not grow in my garden where I live.
It's too hot and too dry. :-(

Therefore, a lovely and unexpected surprise from my sweet husband today! 

Wishing you a stress free weekend. 



Catherine said…
Well how sweet is your hubby! Oh these are so beautiful ~ I bet they smell heavenly!!

Hope you are having a joyful weekend Becca!
xo Catherine
OH such beautiful photos...don't you just love the colors? What a sweet husband!
Unknown said…
These would have to be the most gorgeous hydrangeas I have ever seen, so beautifully captured!
Diane said…
Beautiful--great photos!!
andrea creates said…
oh how nice!
hydrangeas are one of my favorites too :)
Anonymous said…
Aw....definitely sweet....definitely a keeper!

The birdies are adorable!

Hugs, Diane
how beautiful! and a sweet hubby.......
Rosie Grey said…
How sweet! And so nice of you to share them with us - wonderful shots, Becca! Have a great Sunday!
Anonymous said…
Love hydrangeas and really need to plant one this year. So many great colors to choose from!

Justine said…
what a lovely surprise from your husband you lucky thing! they are really beautifully photographed here.
Pamela said…
What a wonderful man!!

I'm sitting here listening to the rain Becca...and I thought of you! The rain is a good sign..things are warming up it has been so cold here!

Hope your having a great restful weekend!!
Pamela :)
Unknown said…
What a nice surprise.. They are gorgeous.

Hope you are enjoy your sunday.. I am going to veg... all day!!

Hugs, Linda
Kim Dellow said…
Oh so gorgeous! Fabulous photographs. Kim
Joanna said…
Lovely! I've never seen hydrangea these colors before, & you've captured them beautifuly :)
lilylovekin said…
I'm lucky, they grow in my garden but they are not as beautiful as the ones your husband gave to you. My plants are old and the blooms are all worn out of color.
Jill G. said…
Lovely shots! Hydrangeas are one of my favorite flowers, but I can't seem to get them to bloom! Yours are gorgeous:)
Hydrangeas are my favorite flower! Isn't it amazing how many color variations there are? I love them all...and did you ever notice how many friends you have named Diane? heehee! ♥
Anonymous said…
Absolutely GORRRRGEOUS... love all the color, they're so pretty! =)
What a pretty color it is! Too bad they won't grow there, I guess that's an upside to living here with the cooler temps and rain. The Hydrangeas are just starting to show leaf buds.
christina said…
aren't they just beautiful. we had them in front of of last home. they were a deep periwinkle color. yours are gorgeous, my friend.
Lisa Gordon said…
Such a gorgeous reminder of spring Becca!
Cannot wait to see these here again.
Beatriz said…
! that hue so beautiful, these flowers!
Greetings from Barcelona

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