Hydrangea Surprise
Happy weekend everyone!
Time to de-stress.
Oh, how I love hydrangeas!
Sadly, this flower does not grow in my garden where I live.
It's too hot and too dry. :-(
Therefore, a lovely and unexpected surprise from my sweet husband today!
Wishing you a stress free weekend.
Hope you are having a joyful weekend Becca!
xo Catherine
hydrangeas are one of my favorites too :)
The birdies are adorable!
Hugs, Diane
I'm sitting here listening to the rain Becca...and I thought of you! The rain is a good sign..things are warming up it has been so cold here!
Hope your having a great restful weekend!!
Pamela :)
Hope you are enjoy your sunday.. I am going to veg... all day!!
Hugs, Linda
Cannot wait to see these here again.
Greetings from Barcelona