A Greeting Card for "Mum"

Just a quick hello to say hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving holiday!

I wanted to try my hand at making a greeting card.  I usually find that task rather challenging, so to get some ideas, I visited my friend Linda over at www.myhappyplace-linda.blogspot.com Linda always makes the most beautiful cards, so her blog helped inspire my creativity!

I love to stitch on paper and "coffee dye" ribbon & cheesecloth to give it a vintage feel.
Thanks for the inspiration Linda, I think my Mother in Law will like this one.

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Unknown said…
WOW, I love your card, I love the stiching and how can you go wrong using coffee to dye it. Agian I love the way it turned out.
I hope you had fun making it. After all I think that is the most important part is to enjoy what you are creating. I agree your mum-inlaw is going to love it. I also loved the collage you used. Not so busy like mine. Thanks for all the encouragement, I am also inspired by you.

Take care,
I love it too so pretty! I expect it will be very gratefully received indeed,

Sarah x
Yay Happy Birthday to you!!!!!!!

Sarah x

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