A little Heaven on Earth

I just returned from a visit to see family in Scio, Oregon. This has always been a special place for me, not only because I visit close relatives, but the land where they live is so beautiful and peaceful. I have so many fond memories there as a child and now as an adult, the visits and memories are even more precious. It's so different living here in the desert and big city, so to me "hanging" with family in Scio is like Heaven on Earth!

Gilkey Bridge

Some of Aunt Betty's flowers

A view from the front porch

The pond Uncle John made

A view from the hammock

Bindi helpin' "Aunt Kelly" with cherries for a pie

Taking a walk down to Thomas Creek

She just wants to be an "outside girl"

Bindi and the butterfly


Unknown said…
Hey Bec,
Your pictues are Beautiful. I does look like
heaven on earth. I see you figured out
how to get your words under your pictures. I
knew you would. It looks great.
Talk to you soon. Linda

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